Commonwealth Officers

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, Apr 9, 2018.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I've just recently leveled up to 21 and have some questions about the Officers that I can't seem to find in the FAQ.

    - It looks like they only last 24 hrs, but there is no 'time remaining' shown anywhere to let you know how much longer it lasts. Is there one that I'm missing?

    - Can they be stacked? I mean if I get two of them does it add 24 hrs to how long I have it or just restart the 24 hrs? Without the time remaining (see above) how can you tell?

    - Is there a way to get a second officer slot so you can have both types on at the same time?

  2. yes they do stack but unsure any limit and no cant have both on same time
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Information on the Commonwealth Officers can be seen in the
    Crew Members bible thread, this shall be updated to include some of the information discussed in this thread when time allows.

    You can see the duration you have these Commonwealth Officers (and other time sensitive crew members) in the assistants tab, as described in the
    Crew Overview bible thread.

    Your fellow pirate is correct, each time you obtain a Commonwealth Officer they gain an extra 24 hour duration.

    Level 1 and 2 Commonwealth Officers can be stacked up to a maximum limit of 14 days. The Level 3 Commonwealth Officers have no limit.

    Your fellow pirate is also correct, currently you are only able to have one Commonwealth Officer equipped at one time, there is no way to increase this.

    Has this solved your queries?

  4. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Hey @Bawdyn ,

    to check how much days you have left head to Boarding menu -> Assistants ( you can find em both here )
  5. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I had read the FAQ entry for them but that didn't answer the questions I had. I hadn't thought of looking in the Assistants section for the time remaining. Thanks Swift and Krunchy for pointing that out. And thanks Swift and GraveDigger for confirming that they stack in time.

    These answers have made me have more questions, but I'll start another thread for them. This one is now solved.
  6. As per OP request.

    Happy Sailing

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