Feedback Diminishing Returns

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Jul 6, 2018.

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  1. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    Maybe get a life or job like us normal people?;):D:rolleyes:
  2. †Hell†Cat†

    †Hell†Cat† Junior Expert

    Well about time something like this happened its been a long time coming, maybe now the 24/7 players cough cough who never sleep and are always in the top running will now stop thier scroll botting and taxi service no gain ohhh what a pain. we all know who the botters and exploiters are as im sure BP are too with the amount of complaints screen shots and nothing was ever done with the main ones, running more bot screening would help but without any warning as it seems they know when not to be on or using the programme.
  3. Loki1621

    Loki1621 Active Author

    it would be better just to delete the bots but lets see how this will work. I think random logoffs with 15 minute warning would be better anyone not logging off gets deleted
  4. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    I have a better suggestion it's called, "Diminishing Spending". ;)

    I guarantee that this works once the company realise falling revenues and attendances are killing off the game!
  5. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I wonder if a simpler solution to the bot problem might be to have an hourly 'Captcha' like popup to prove you aren't a bot. Tons of sites use this method to keep bots off.
    šŧãŕ and Loki1621 like this.
  6. .ModernWarfare.

    .ModernWarfare. Forum Apprentice

    Nop not really best solution is actually banning them when caught.Finding them throug a captcha or videos or the famous "bot detection system" does not guarrantee action taken against them.
    minigravey likes this.
  7. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    “Diminishing Returns”
    does this term mean “Diminishing BigPoint profit ” :oops:
    GoDie, Lady.Wolf and jokar_uae like this.
  8. Sparky#

    Sparky# Forum Apprentice

    Why would you diminish returns for people who for exmaple play all day? That totally defeats the purpose of even playing this game. So people who play less will now gain more than people who have a tendency to play for more hours and for longer periods of time? This is the dumbest thought and "patch" that Seafight has come up with. This is stupid.
  9. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    Freudian reverse psychology at its worst ??

    I seriously thought the game was dieing at an un-measurably rapid pace as it was and the only way it
    was gonna collapse even faster was if they just turned the servers off.

    This only solidifies the theory if ya didnt learn by your mistakes the first time thru you are doomed to repeat them.

    Que the "Amazing Grace" bagpipe music.

    And no.... The game doesnt rate a 21 gun salute.
    Lady.Wolf likes this.
  10. America

    America Active Author

    So your most loyal players get less while johnny-come-lately gets good rewards? Kind of a bitter pill. Setting a timer, 20 mins a day, get free stuff and leave. Ok now I understand. it really is a free game now.
    Lady.Wolf and Loki1621 like this.
  11. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  12. Undead

    Undead Forum Apprentice

    game is going to die like this
  13. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

    So, what is this "normal online time" in hours?
  14. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    i've said it before, a extremely simple solution that would work is the random Captcha, with auto 3day bans if wrong answer or no answer,and time doubles each time 3 - 6 - 9 etc... if a legit player gets it wrong we have to suk it up ( for the greater good ).
    Bawdyn likes this.
  15. jokar_uae

    jokar_uae Someday Author

    no, cause they will make sure they bring out more "seafight packages, GREAT DISCOUNT" if you run out of ammo or items. ^_^
  16. -masterjedi-

    -masterjedi- Junior Expert

    Its an interesting concept. But the game imo is beyond repair.People have been botting and using programs for years amassing resources that the honest player can never hope to achieve.Its too little to late.How about going back to your terms and conditions for game play maybe if you enforce those you would have less issues. But that would require some balls.:cool:
    Lady.Wolf likes this.
  17. Loki1621

    Loki1621 Active Author

    not bans delete then they have to deal with customer service to be let back in
  18. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    (Can you please forward this up the ladder?)

    Ya know ? ... I just cant wrap my head around this line of thinking.

    Would it be possible for a Game Admin or a Person of Rank of Sea Fight to explain this reasoning ?

    Reason I ask is this:
    You (BP/SF) know exactly who the illicit players are !!!
    We have only been complaining about them for over 10+ years.
    We have contacted support,sent in vids and screen shots,and jumped thru all the required hoops.
    Yet nothing is done.

    You have all the tools and rules in place to punish them with the harshest punishment that exists.
    Yet nothing is done to them.

    So who do you decide to punish ? Your legitimate players.

    I am also questioning the legality of this patch.

    We have either spent money to get or put the time in to earn the gems/buffs/castles/skills to
    increase and maximize the reward return in order to keep current with the game. Now you want tofurther lessen the value of what we paid for or worked so hard for to obtain.
    Where I come from we have a name for this and it will only leave your legitimate players feeling even more ripped off than what we already been.

    Great Job !!! Lemme know how that works for ya when China puts your company back up for sale because
    you no longer meet the revenue quota that is required to them.

    I also wonder what your parent company's response will be to your company when
    your company gets slapped with a some type of class action law suit.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2018
    skillsallround and Lady.Wolf like this.
  19. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    haw long will be that time???
  20. †★BoSS★†™[υиı]

    †★BoSS★†™[υиı] Forum Inhabitant

    Like and idea is good .. but just as an idea ... to me happens a lot of times just to let my ship on safe harbour and do sth else or even on normal map i let it shoot something and do some other stuff .. this means that if i dont see the captcha in time i would get banned only because i didnt see it
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