Feedback Diminishing Returns

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Jul 6, 2018.

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  1. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    and then you write customer service and get it turned back on
  2. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    This idea looks appealing..... Untill you have to let your cash paid for buffs and items waste away from the
    in between time that Support decides to take action.
    Requiring you to send another ticket in to get back the items you paid for.

    Also... what happens if this were to occur in the later days of a long event and ya miss out on
    turning your event rewards in before the event market is closed ??

    Say you are working towards a specific event skin....theres 2 days left in the event but your still short
    and ya miss a capture response and are locked out. At the rate of your progress you would have had the event
    currency needed at the close of the event.

    With that policy in place not only would ya be short but you would be forced to accept the exchange thats
    given/offered whether you want too or not.

    This idea looks better on paper than reality.
    *LiLVIC615* and Lady.Wolf like this.
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    Let me say straight away, I think this is a brilliant idea. I do have some reservations about this, but hopefully these will be cleared up when we get more information.
    In my opinion, this is an amazing way to help prevent botting. It not starting until "normal online times" are passed, that really makes it so that its only the botters who are majorily effected by this system. Those 24/7 "players" who play for Event Rankings, League, etc, it would help stop all that, they would be wasting their time and resources on these while getting little to no rewards back! Brilliant! They won't want to bot, this helps level the playing field again!

    In theory this sounds great, I just hope that it can not be taken advantage of. For example, I hope that logging out and logging back in does not reset the timer, that would make it far too easy for bots to get around this system.
    As other players have expressed I would like to know what normal online times are.

    I assume this works on the amount of hours played not the time of play, so that I am happy about - you are not stopping the nighttime players from playing. In my opinion I would class "normal online time" about 10 hours of ingame time. Those who work obviously are less than that, but those who do not work or are on holiday, off school etc they could easily rack up 10 hours of play time if the Event is good.

    I am very interested in the more rewards for a short time, so I am guessing that players who log in for the first X amount of time have a bonus to the rewards they earn? Meaning that everyone should login and do their best farming in the first X amount of time.
    I am glad to see that you are limiting the effects of this at the start, I am certain it will take tweeking to get to a good working level where it is not effecting too many legitimate players.

    One thing I would like to state now, please do not include this for Battle Points. I can imagine there will be plenty of times where players have done some farming, quests. event etc, and they have played for over the normal amount of time. I know I have found myself and other players in a situation where I have played a lot that day, gotten off the game only to receive a message from my guild mate because an Island is under attack, so I jump back on and help, this is a perfect time for players to gain Battle Points, and with the Fleet reset being at midnight, the playtime would be very high at that point and I can imagine it happening a lot. Please do not then penalise these players from the PvP aspect of the game too just because they farmed during the day.

    I am very much looking forward to the implementation of this!
    There are a few reasons why Captcha would not work imo.

    First being that this is a game, and nobody likes to be interupted during game play to prove they are human, imagine being in the middle of an island defence and you have to complete a captcha... On the login screen, possibly I could see this being implemented; Username, Password and Captcha.

    I notice you say if a legit player gets it wrong they would have to suck it up, well that doesn't work for me either. Sometimes Captchas are hard for humans to read, Captchas are only sovled by humans correctly 87% of the time, that means that every time one of these messages pops up, you would be on average banning 13% of the playing legitmate players. If the duration increases each time you get banned too, then that would mean soon you'd have the majority of human players having a ban. Not to mention those who have visual impairments, etc.

    The only type of Captcha that could be used would be Googles No Captcha reCaptcha, where you select all parts of a car on an image, etc. However, even with this there is a couple of problems, one, sometimes humans make mistakes, and two, there are services available which can be used to solve all Captchas.

    So in my opinion, on the Homepage to login you could possibly use the Google No Captcha reCaptcha, this might prevent some bots. On it's own it shouldn't be a ban though for my reasons above, if it was going to be used to ban then it should contribute to other factors, not just that itself.
    _RATTY_. likes this.
  4. America

    America Active Author

    Ammo cost the same, but I now have to shoot longer for same rewards? Have deleted all my cc info, dont look for me to buy any ammo. But I will stock up on hollows.
    Lady.Wolf likes this.
  5. .ModernWarfare.

    .ModernWarfare. Forum Apprentice

    I really dont think its neither the solution some people preach it is against bots nor the *edit* up gainst people who plays a lot daily

    We will have to wait and see i bet it is a small reduction at most.Probably not enough to make bots unprofitable and bad.Defitively enough to bother those who spend many hours playing yet not enough to make that big a difference.
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 8, 2018
  6. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    I am 100% positive the bot program writers would love to know too.

    That way they can add a timer to go along with the rest of the boxes to tick for target selections.
    Lady.Wolf likes this.
  7. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    they shood ban the bot`s
    they only limit the boting :)
  8. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    just the good old two finger one ;)
  9. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    ahh, i forgot to say that my idea would be used in bonus maps / raid maps to start, to help slowly get control.
    i as well will park on npc's and doing other thing, :)
    i just think if trying to get a way to find a system that's better at controling bot outbreaks (impossible to 100% stop them) focus on something thats easier to control (less changing variables)
  10. Hermes

    Hermes Forum Greenhorn

    it will be kinda like :
    To unlock your ship pay 5$
    jokar_uae likes this.
  11. jokar_uae

    jokar_uae Someday Author

    up tut farm
  12. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    It is wonderful that they can create a timer to limit payouts but can't see boats on 24-7 and delete them
    bodean and cʟαш like this.
  13. cʟαш

    cʟαш Active Author

    True story :rolleyes:
  14. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    It is good to see some players confessing here. :) What next, let us guess, 24/7 players complaining there are only 24 hours in a day?
    Loki1621 likes this.
  15. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    If your gonna view my post of
    as a confession,Then I am gonna take yours as a veiled accusation and hope that along with it comes the penalty of making a false accusation towards another player.

    I have never once run,owned or used a botting program. Ever. I will also challenge anyone to produce and submit
    any evidence of the sort against me.
    Never once saw the need for it and I have never once been afraid of hard work of any type.
    I view cheaters with the same amount of disdain and contempt as I view hackers,thieves and all other criminals.

    Several years ago, BP/SF in its wisdom ( or lack of ?) made the decision to remove the speed points from the shinies.
    This I feel has given the botters a huge advantage.
    It was the misapplication of the speed points that made bots and botters so easy to spot and one of the reasons
    the players back then were intolerant of them (besides being cheaters).

    Sometime after the implementation of the "Transmorgification " the program was rewritten. It was still your basic fiddler
    with a few tweaks and as time went by it was upgraded even further making them a little more difficult to spot.

    If, I have managed to keep your attention this long, By now I am sure your wondering how, if I never botted how I know all this.

    The answer and reasoning is quite simple....Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". Know your Enemy.
    Before you can know who the enemy is, one needs to identify them.

    I started doin some research on them(bots), Not in the interest of using the multiple versions of the program
    but in the interest identifying,targeting and sinking of them and turning them in.

    On the net there is a rather large multi media site that has an awful lot of insight ( along with various forms of Darwinism at it Finest)
    and I have used the site and turned in several posters using their links to their own vids as the evidence the Support team requires.

    Seriously....why should I waste my time following them around try to catch them in the act if the illict player is doin all
    the hard work for me !!

    Kinda falls under the category of work smarter...not harder now doesnt it ?

    It also applies that with very little reasoning that since many players, do actually play on multiple servers some under the same screen name and some are not that if botter had used the program on one server that they would use the program on another server.
    Hopes were that BP/SF would take the initiative to research all the servers the botter played on.
    So no matter if the botter shared the same server I played on or not,once turned in they would get the punishment they were entitled to.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2018
    Loki1621, Bawdyn and *LiLVIC615* like this.
  16. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Here are my 2 cents about bots:

    Bots that depend on game client uses image recognition to determine whether a variable value should be true or false. Glitter bots, for example, used the treasure hunter to determine if there are glitters near-by and with a tool that allows to modify the graphics in client made sure the glitter was visible for the script to find it without problems. If the visuals are changed and the minimap/treasure hunter are adjusted, you kill half of the glitter bots. Of course other programs that are more advanced, but the key against bot is removing monotone tasks that are easy to automate.

    Things like bonus maps, raids, npc/item hunting are very easy to replicate with a machine. Maybe changing glitter system and bonus maps turned into minigames like those in events would make the game funnier and less bottable. The golden stag npc is agood example of a dynamic element in the game. Good rewards and you can't just sit and shoot because you will get sunk by something.
    abah2 and USS_Defender(CAG-01) like this.
  17. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    As Satan_Himself has stated there are more advanced methods of 24/7 game play than the obvious Bots seen on the Seachart. Which are probably the least effective method of achieving rankings and assets, its more along the like of a nuisance if you are trying to shiney/chest hunt. Bot activities are generally limited to a single map. An examination of the rankings, all categories, will reveal the validity of Satan_Himself assertions, particularly the Bonus Map completions. Judge for yourself. How many of the high rankers do you see on the Seas on any consistent basis? In closing, if one plays 12 to 16 hours a day they are probably going to get very hungry and poor when they lose their job and they probably will loose even more face time with their significant other after the divorce.
  18. =308Marksman=

    =308Marksman= Regular

    Thank You Satan,
    You expanded a little further than I was comfortable with going too for a couple of reasons.
    Simplest being that bad guys read the internet too.
  19. GoDie

    GoDie Someday Author

    not being funny it takes around 6 hours a day to do all your daylily's and event quests and so on then bye the time u want to farm your time will be up and when other log on e.g your enemy's who are working 12 h days they will come on to do there quests but your side of the alliance has already done there quests so now they will get chained and wont get there daily's done because of this then possibly will stop paying as much for the game and go else wear
  20. Mac

    Mac Forum Mogul

    I feel that this is a pointless solution to a problem that, lets be honest, Bigpoint brushed under the carpet for too long until it has again hit epidemic levels.

    Are the Dev teams now at a point where they are clueless ( apart from this idea ) on how to combat the bot problem effectively?

    This will maybe reduce the botting levels for a short period of time , but as before this will only last until the bot program compilers adjust the programs to navigate round the issue.

    And as previously stated by numerous people the honest players who have the time to spend on game will be the main ones who end up loosing out.

    Personally i would rather see Bigpoint give the power to certain mods to go and record these ships while botting and quarantine their accounts while they investigate potential breaches

    EVAGRIUS*PONTICUS and Loki162 like this.
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