should i upgrade my cannons?

Discussion in 'Help' started by ntc1010, Oct 31, 2018.

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  1. ntc1010

    ntc1010 Forum Apprentice

    atm i got 50 painbringers,100 devastators level 1,204 doomhammers level 2 and 215 firestorms level 2,the rest being voodoos.
    I got 376 cannon slots,and my current setup now that cabin boys got reworked is:164 firestorms,62 dooms,50 painbringers and 100 devastators.
    Running only doomhammers,painbringers and devastators results in a 3.37 reload time which seems considerably high.
    My question is,should I upgrade the rest of dooms to level 3 or 4,so I can make space for more firestorms/voodos,or should I leave them like that?
  2. *KRUCHY*

    *KRUCHY* Forum Duke

    Hey @ntc1010 ,

    leave it like that . Theres a simple rule for upgrading cannons with you should remember forever! Upgrade only these cannons that are not in use.


    You own 350 doomhammer lvl 0 but currently you can put on only 300. That makes 50 spare cannons and only these cannons should be upgraded. Reason ? You will end up with very few dooms lvl 4 ... that will be disadvantage for ya due to damage loss.
    Try to gather full doomhammers , do not look at reload time right now because thats nothing ;) 3,51 on full set , 3,2 on mix not such a big diff is it ? But damage hohoho ;)
  3. ntc1010

    ntc1010 Forum Apprentice

    Hello KRUCHY,thanks for replying.I was only aiming to use my current setup,so that would leave me with 142 doomhammers sitting around.I don't plan on spending money at all on any more cannon packages.I personally prefer faster reload speed,the .65 difference is for sure noticeable.I'm playing on EG7,which is only pve,and most of my time i'm shooting events and doing quests,so I hope you can see my point.

    TEX~BULL User

    Hello ntc1010,

    Are you satisfies with the answer you have received?

  5. ntc1010

    ntc1010 Forum Apprentice

    I'm waiting for more replies

    TEX~BULL User

    Then I am going to move this to New Pirate Tutorials so that we can leave it open for you.

  7. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    Hi, while what kruchy says is generally a good rule this is not always the case, it all depends on what will take the place of the cannon you lose. I can send you a beta copy of a calculator I'm working on if you like so you can see what combos will be best for you.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018

    TEX~BULL User

    HMS-dozza if you would like to post it here feel free. I am interested in seeing it as well.

  9. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    I am aware it is missing some castle/skill and some higher level buffs but all the key features are there and it can be very useful for seeing how different cannon configs work and what your best options are. Bare in mind I've not put much time into it yet so usability isn't optimal.

    I'd love some feedback!Ap02JRBqMm8KhIQfYosZ1YY6lOfVzQ

    You will have to save a copy to put in your own values.
    bodean likes this.
  10. TEX~BULL

    TEX~BULL User

    much appreciated. I will play with it some and share it with Swift.

  11. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    I've made some improvements during the course of the day that I hope make it a bit nicer to use and look at, the old link should still work for the updated version.

    Being as this is getting a tad off topic where would be the best place for me to make a new thread to share this?
  12. TEX~BULL

    TEX~BULL User

    Again thank you for sharing with us. If you post it here: New pirate Tutorials we can leave it open longer so that it can help your fellow pirates.

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