Bokers draw????

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by ßLÃÇK¤ÇÃ$$, Feb 1, 2019.

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    TEX~BULL User

    There are no questions to respond to. This is a discussion thread where players voice their opinions. We can not answer questions like "why the change" as we are not privy to that information. I purchase bokor's every month myself, between 30 to 100 crates paid on my credit card and I have not won a single time in almost a year. It's a lottery. To be honest in lost lotteries the odds are against you winning. I accept that when I decide to purchase crates.

    HMS-dozza likes this.
  2. *HMS*aZgaRd*

    *HMS*aZgaRd* Someday Author

    This is my prediction!! We have all spent on Bokors, and this recent development is only going to cost them money, and in 3 or 4 months, they will "fix it again" which will cost them even more money. Please keep in mind that the money for them is "real" and the game you play and the ship you have, and the cannons, etc, is all virtual. They can go spend the money "we" gave them for a crappy Bokors, but we could never trade or swap or sell a "virtual" Taurus map for a loaf of bread, lolol
    Moral of the story, we stop spending, they start fixing!!!!
    Loki162 and Foxy_Renegadelady like this.
  3. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    Hi Tex bro,
    its not about the everyone's decision to spend or not to spend but its about the BP decision, about when they made the change. you cannot change something after all the players put they money in to crates and the bokors ended. in a lottery a real lottery you will never see this.
    me like others in here think this its illegal thing. its like getting money and make them disappear and act like nothing happen.
  4. Ryste

    Ryste Someday Author

    I'm a bit confused.

    Listen, I understand how a lotty works. But in my clan we usually wins about 8 out of 10 persons. This time none of us won anything. I throw in about 30 crates. My mate throw in 100 crates and didn't win. We asked around to different guilds, and very few knew anyone who have won.
    Considering the amount of threads on the forum about the topic and my personal experience, it seems something have changed since last month. But obvious nothing I can document.
  5. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    Perhaps a lot more people claimed free crates this month.
  6. Obel-Korsgaard

    Obel-Korsgaard Forum Greenhorn

    It´s not only the free crates - something has changed.

    I used to win 3-4 rewards every month. I won nothing this month.

    TEX~BULL User

    I can assure you the same number of prizes were available to win. Take a mega sever for example. say there were 15 prizes (numbers not exact as just making example) for each individual server that is part of the mega. In the new system there are 45 prizes that can be won by any one on all three servers. To be honest, I do not know who won and who didn't, but I do know that the same amount of prizes were available. Will it stay like this I do not know. Y'all know we provide the info to y'all as soon as we get it and we will continue to do so.

  8. Horsens1

    Horsens1 Forum Greenhorn

    stop put Money in bokors, sorry bp you forget all your players WHO play honest
  9. _RATTY_.

    _RATTY_. Exceptional Talent

    so from your comment we must understand that players who claimed 2 crates had more chance then the ones who claimed from 30 up to 100???
    Is BP pay'n you cos i see u keep they side in every thread here in forums ... so many ov us complaining about this new updates only you talk trash ... get up to your senses..
  10. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    No that is not at all what I'm saying, what I am saying is a few hundred more people claiming 2 free crates will mean a few less people who bought crates getting prizes. As in it's pretty obvious that the more crates that enter the draw, the less likely it is that each individual crate will win.

    And no I'm not paid by BP haha, I can just look at things objectively because unlike many here I spend very little money and so my arguments are not emotionally charged. Some of the things they do are utterly stupid, like the whole thing a few days ago with event keys was total *edit*, this however is not one of those cases.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 5, 2019
    Smaller likes this.
  11. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Maybe this will help clarify how the odds have changed:

    - If all of the servers in the mega server have approximately the same number of crates thrown then the odds for any crate winning have not changed.

    - If the server you are on has more crates thrown than the other servers in the mega server then your odds of a crate winning have gone up.

    - If the server you are on has less crates thrown than the other servers in the mega server then your odds of a crate winning have gone down.

    - On any month that there are crates given away for free (voucher) then the odds of a paid crate winning goes down.

    As someone who doesn't buy crates I gain a benefit from the voucher code, but I agree that that since the crates are meant to be purchased then it is unfair to dilute things with a bunch of giveaway crates. I have no idea of the actual numbers, but say there are 2000 crates purchased and 2000 crates given away, then the odds of a paid crate winning are half what they should be.
  12. munchkin80

    munchkin80 Forum Greenhorn

    Just to let you know the disappointment that I have heard today about how the
    Bokers is now being done. People looked forward to the first of the month and
    seeing what they won even if it wasn't that much. To put money into Bokers and win
    nothing is not going to go over well as people will stop spending money on other
    things. I personally have been playing this game for several years and think this
    is a big mistake on BP part. Please rethink this.
  13. *Wildhorse*

    *Wildhorse* Forum Greenhorn

    Nice bait and switch to wait till almost drawing to tell us about the change. I have spent my last money on bokors. You should have told us ahead of time.
    Foxy_Renegadelady likes this.
  14. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    Just to clarify: The amount of rewards issued in total has not changed
  15. Ryste

    Ryste Someday Author

    Next question;

    Are people aware how to see if they have actully won, or is there people out there who thinks they haven't won but are mistaken?
    Usually on my server we use the post system to see whatever we have won or not.

    I'm not sure it's how it works now?
  16. Ryste

    Ryste Someday Author

    I actully won ... lol.

    2019-01-31 12:00:01
    Du har modtaget 30 x Kongens gunst. [kings legacy]
    2019-01-31 12:00:01
    Du har modtaget 25 x Smertebringer level 1. [painbringers]
    2019-01-31 12:00:01
    Du har modtaget 1 x Aquarius. [new shipdesign]
    2019-01-31 12:00:01
    Du har modtaget 1 x Kejserlig Byttepose. [Emperor's Booty Bag]

    But tbf. The time is Noon 31 January 12 hours before the usually draw time on my server and the fact I didn't got a post notification and the reward isn't visible in my log book under "Cauldron of Saba" it's very difficult to discover whatever you have won or not.

    My postulate;
    Plenty of winners out there who isn't aware of fact they have won.
  17. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    The final answer,
    server A, 500 players 1 crate each, probability is 1 in 500 of having your ticket picked in the first draw
    server B, 2000 players 1 crate each, probability is 1 in 2000 of having your ticket picked in the first draw
    server C. 1000 players 1 crate each, probability is 1 in 1000 of having your ticket picked in the first draw
    server merge A+B+C, 3500 players 1 crate each, probability is 1 in 3500 of having your ticket picked in the first draw
    every ones chance of having their ticket picked has been reduced server A being most badly hit with odds changing from 1 in 500 to 1 in 3500.
    Lets assume 100 prizes per server, so final ticket draw
    server A 1 in 401
    server B 1 in 1901
    server C 1 in 901
    server merge (300 prizes) 1 in 3201
    This is assuming tickets are removed after each round of the draw if they win.
    Summary, your chances of winning have been reduced, the amount of prizes being the same pro-rata per server is a red-herring!

    SΛТΛЛS-ϾUЯSΞ™ Someday Author

    U guys know that there was no message in the post this month right? easy way to see if u have won is to check how much kings legacy u have left...... Also the chances haven't changed at all unless u where on a smaller server then u have less chance. However anyone on a larger server before now has a better chance. this is fair, get over it Uk server. Lol
  19. baronvonrat

    baronvonrat Junior Expert

    with the change to bookers chalice for the large servers yes they have more chance of winning. Small servers like the uk server have a much smaller chance so my advice to uk is to do what i am going to do from now on, take the 2 free crates if they give them (it is free never look a gift horse in the mouth) and no longer buy them again.
    This is still a free to play game if you want to spend money it is up to the indervidual. I love the game so I need the suckers who spend lots of money to keep the game going.
    If like me you fancy the odd pakage just buy wisely, for the uk server the new bookers is no longer worth buying.
    have fun people
    Vippussуcаt likes this.
  20. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    Yes this is partially true, what you are failing to recognise is that 3x the prizes are distributed, so for the top prize for example which is usually drawn 15 times is drawn 45 times:

    server A, 500 players 1 crate each, probability is 15 in 500 of having your ticket picked in the first draw
    server B, 2000 players 1 crate each, probability is 15 in 2000 of having your ticket picked in the first draw
    server C. 1000 players 1 crate each, probability is 15 in 1000 of having your ticket picked in the first draw

    An average win rate of 15/1167

    server merge A+B+C, 3500 players 1 crate each, probability is 45 in 3500 of having your ticket picked in the first draw

    An average win rate of surprise surprise, 15/1167


    Yes is the cases where for example server A where the playerbase is much smaller, they will see reduced win rate as the prizes:crates ratio is reduced but this is merely a symptom of the server merge, not the mechanics of bokors. By the same token the larger servers in the merge will likely experience higher win rates than they are used to.