Support Doubt 7-Day Discount

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~xZukerx~, Feb 16, 2019.

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  1. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    I would like to know if the discount package, available on payment, grants discount to all the elite items available for purchase or only to the items that are available in the auction.

    For example, I want to buy the commander level 2. But he is not in the auction to be bought. My question is related to this point.

    I want to save my pearls by buying the discount package. But I do not know if this applies to all available items.

    Thanks in advance,


    TEX~BULL User

    It should apply to anything in the Market that can be purchased with pearls,

  3. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    Thanks, Tex.

    Can close the topic!

    TEX~BULL User

    Your are welcome.

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