Painbringer/Devastator Combo

Discussion in 'Help' started by BuckarooBanzai, Mar 29, 2019.

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  1. BuckarooBanzai

    BuckarooBanzai Forum Apprentice

    That math accounts for one shot vs one shot, not damage over time, or dpm (damage per minute)
  2. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    I have accounted for that, I have included straight Damage and DPS (Damage Per Second) For each setup
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker


    Your final maths output is correct, yes there is a middle ground with these values; 142 - 150 doomhammers, the rest painbringers when including default crit chance/damage.

    However, I was referring to when all the other stats are included, not just from cannons, but castles, skills, gems, etc; all the cannon damages, critical chance, critical damage, dot, etc. Which i'd go ahead and say almost all players have if they have painbringers and doom5s. When these are added you get to the point where the quicker reload time of the painbringers means the increased ball damage, provides more benefit than the very small increase from the elite ammunition bonus.

    Regardless, i'd never actually done the math in the last few years to prove that combinations are not as good, so I updated my calculator today to do that.

    The following is per second with Powder Monkeys, Super Salvo (reload skill), Cannon Loader (reload castle), a level 17 Cannon Damage Gem, Black Powders, 5 and 7% from a Scroll, a Gunner, Powder Punch Skill and just being a member of the Jellyfish League, oh and using Confetti ammunition as above:

    The values I used for that are very very easily achievable for any player who has Doomhammers Level 5 I feel, any further Cannon Damage, Critical Damage, Critical Chance, etc just further improves the Painbringer 2 benefit.

    Now I will also state that this is for a basic NPC. A player will have damage prevention and dodge chance, and if two "completely maxed" boats were fighting, having 10 or so Doomhammers may give you an extra 100 damage per second.

  4. HMS-dozza

    HMS-dozza Regular

    Yes I totally agree, the balance tips in favor of reload speed the more damage you do outside of the elite bonus and is very clear according to my own calculator too, even to the point where Lv5 firestorms can be competitive in DPS haha. That said, the overall points I'm trying to make is that:

    A) Pains shouldn't be considered always the best cannon as they often are not, especially Lv0-1.

    B) You don't need a full set of pains for them to be worth using, many people will have some but not enough for a full set and what works best for them is a little tricky to answer.

    C) Nobody should be looking at pains the same way as all other cannons, they work differently and I don't think many people actually know how they work.
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