Feedback Items extending being Premium Member

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~xZukerx~, Apr 7, 2019.

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  1. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    Hello. I need to elucidate some questions about the length of stay of some buffs and crew while I am a Premiun Member.

    I would like to know if there is a list of items (Deck, for example) and crew (Voodoo Priset Lvl, for example) that remain while I am a premiun member.


    TEX~BULL User

    The only item that I am aware of that is tied to you premium membership is the ebony deck.

  3. Sea-Sea

    Sea-Sea Forum Inhabitant

    The lvl 5 Carpenter, the Sailmaker and the Rocketmaster also used to be extended together with your premium, has that been changed?

    TEX~BULL User

    No I am sorry but they are now purchased individually and not tied to premium.

  5. Sea-Sea

    Sea-Sea Forum Inhabitant

    So essential premium benefits have been removed without telling the players? I guess that many players have bought premium due to the fact that mentioned crew members were automatically extended with premium? When was this change done?

    TEX~BULL User

    Yes they are still ties to premium benefits. My bug report was incorrect and I miss answered because I had incorrect information. My apologies for any undue stress.

    Sea-Sea likes this.
  7. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    Thank you all for the feedback!

    But I have another question...

    And, if I win a Voodoo Priest Level 4 on the daily login bonus. Being a premiun member does it extend until when my Premiun ends?

    TEX~BULL User

    No. The Voodoo Priest lvl 4 is not tied to premium.

  9. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

    Thank you, Tex. So picking up, the only item is the Ebony Deck and the crew members are just the Carpenter Lvl 5, Rocketmaster and Sailmaker.

    Did we list all crew and items?
  10. TEX~BULL

    TEX~BULL User

    Yes sir you have listed them all.

  11. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Advanced

  12. TEX~BULL

    TEX~BULL User

    You are welcome. Per the OP's request:

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