Feedback Most Wanted 2021

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, May 31, 2021.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Most Wanted 2021

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on Most Wanted 2021.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. ~~Billy~Bones~~

    ~~Billy~Bones~~ Forum Apprentice

    Honestly, I can't believe that anyone would buy anything right now from BP on this game. Unity needs to be fixed; there's no code either? Wow!
  3. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    One question, where is the voucher?
  4. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    i have a question, is it me or do the Event ships in the higher maps 26 to 50 hit hard as heck, i have a good defense, but they still hit me for 119k, thats crazy the event is ehhh, and this new unity sucks....that is all...
    The*Defiant and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  5. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    Receive black powder for shooting an NPC that has 350 million HP? Is this serious?
    Rum-Lord and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  6. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    2021-05-31 19:59:02 You received 2966 x Shrapnel ammunition.
    2021-05-31 19:59:02 You received 3972225 x Gold.
    2021-05-31 19:59:02 You received 4942 x Crowns.
    2021-05-31 19:59:02 You received 698860 EXP (experience points).
    2021-05-31 19:59:02 You sank Redtooth's ship.
    2021-05-31 19:59:02 You received 368964 x Pearls.

    Over 100,000 shrpanel ammo upgrades for those pathetic rewards?
    The*Defiant and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  7. StarLightS

    StarLightS Padavan

    your level is probably too high, the higher level the less rewards you get from red tooth
  8. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    My level is 25. It's okay that I had help to sink it. But these rewards for the last shot are not according to the NPC.
  9. StarLightS

    StarLightS Padavan

    You either get the design or schrapnel ammo and you received scrapnel right?
  10. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    Too. But the point is not what I achieved (because I earn only by the voucher) for having sunk the NPC. And yes, the rewards that are terrible for an NPC of that level.
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    there is a new voucher code:

    100,000 x Shrapnel ammunition
    50,000 x Upgraded Shrapnel ammunition
    15 x Event key
    50 x Radiant souls
    75 x Cursed souls
  12. addscocha1

    addscocha1 Forum Greenhorn

    this is really bad
  13. panos-7(GR)

    panos-7(GR) Forum Greenhorn

    the event npcs cant hit you so hard from map 26-50 .i ve good defence and npcs hit me more than some players.fix that cause we cant move in maps 26-50 to do quests
  14. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    Tks Rymar! I see in FB Page. The post on facebook took a long time to be published.

    But I still leave it very clear: With NPC's that have high HP. Those 150,000 ammunition are useless. If it wasn't for my shrapnel ammo that I've accumulated lately collecting the chests I wouldn't be able to do anything in this event.

    Okay. But you can say that with the 14 keys we collect more ammo. Yes, but if you get +100k ammo with these keys you are very lucky.

    And, I say another thing, on the black market we don't have the option of hiring a higher-level Commonwealth Officer.
    Redtooth takes me 70k damage and I have 68% damage prevention + 34% dodge chance + 60% NPC dodge chance (CO Lvl 2). That is, 94% dodge chance!

    These officers are only available in payment packages. Which is no surprise.

    But I won't just criticize, I already leave a suggestion: When there is an event, the voucher could contain the officials and (or) the highest level PET trainers / Voodoo Priest for the duration of the event.
  15. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    Good luck on Bp to fix will have better luck hitting the Lotto
  16. Rum-Lord

    Rum-Lord Forum Greenhorn

    All remaining players - and that's not that many are all jammed into maps 6 through 10, the only place you can actually get something from event. It's almost like they want us to quit.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author


    I have to sneak around the edges of maps and count on Poseidon's good luck so that a Blackbeard spawns nearby and no one sees me.

    Suggestion: expand the event by a few more days. Change Blackbeard Spawn to Map 20.
  18. ~xZukerx~

    ~xZukerx~ Active Author

    You can't play. Please correct it soon.

    You can't play with these maps infested with high-level players that sink you in 3 hits.
  19. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

  20. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    A 600 million hit point Silverblade that blows my boat away in just moments? Please make some adjustments!
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