Announcement Unity Release!

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, May 25, 2021.

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  1. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    The Configurator "Target Display" no longer functions.
  2. Sea~Stream

    Sea~Stream Active Author

    Keep freezing in raid map then kicked out after the 4th time I gave up disgusted !
  3. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    It's nice of Bp, to give a Voucher.........BUT!!!! that still doesn't fix all the issues going on, maybe if the Voucher had more days to it,and some of these issues where fixed before rolling this hot mess out. Some of like the game, many have walked away, if you(BP)just can't handle the fact that this game is a hot mess, admit it, but stop sugar coating it....please we are all grown around here, we can handle it......"Just sayin"......Food for thought..
    Mcklock and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  4. GloriousNoR

    GloriousNoR Forum Apprentice

    Can't you guys fix the bugs that directly affect gameplay, rather than making a tedious patch list with bugs 99% haven't noticed.
  5. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    Guild Overview is now blank.
  6. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    This should be fixed after the upcoming sync.
    This should be fixed after the upcoming sync.
    Could you please contact Support with your issue, they shall ask you for some further technical information which can't be placed on the forums.
    Every bug is important to be fixed and each bug has been noticed by players and effected their game play, so deserve fixing. We are working through the list of bugs and the game is generally becoming more stable after each patch.

    Should you have a few bugs which you believe are the most important to fix, please let me know which ones and I shall forward them again stating that players would like these fixed with a higher priority - although that does not guarantee they will be fixed immediately of course.
    Thank you, this has been reported.


    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    Dont have any game play as i only get on back page again
  8. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The restart is taking place in 30 minutes so that is why you can not get on currently. After that has concluded, please close your Unity Launcher, open it and let it update, then close and open it again for the cache to be cleared.

  9. Bєʀѕєʀкєя

    Bєʀѕєʀкєя Forum Greenhorn

  10. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

  11. GloriousNoR

    GloriousNoR Forum Apprentice


    1. Like you can't properly tag the other ships.
    2. You can't properly pick up the chests
    3. You can't move close to the ship
    4. You can't pick-up anything close to the ship
    5. The sail hotkey doesnt work
    6. Scroll bars keep reappearing
    7. Attached picture happens way too often
  12. ☠FIREBALL☠

    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    teleports down again
  13. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    1 - Issues selecting has been reported
    2 - Reported
    3 - Reported
    4 - Reported
    5 - Reported
    6 - Just so I am clear, the scroll bars around the edge of your map keep reappearing and you have the checkbox unselected in options?
    7 - This happens when a cache issue is present, if you are using the Unity Launcher open and close it after updating (after each Sync) and it should then be correct.

    This happens when a cache issue is present, if you are using the Unity Launcher open and close it after updating (after each Sync) and it should then be correct.

  14. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    New Unity issue:

    - All the menu popups are missing all of the text, there is just the icon. If you mouse over it you get the description of that item but not the name.
  15. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    Pet configurator does not show gems. Genie is still inactive after 24 hours have passed.
  16. Andy94

    Andy94 Forum Apprentice

    Job list wont show anything. i had this for a week now..

  17. abah2

    abah2 Active Author

    They had a problem with rewards not being given on some of the quests. They shut it down until sometime this week.
  18. Esmeralda♥Pearl

    Esmeralda♥Pearl Junior Expert

  19. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    This issue has been reported
    I have been unable to replicate any of these issues, are you still experiencing these problems since the last sync?
    This feature should now work again.

  20. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Advanced

    SWIFT - when this feature is active should your toolbar ie ammo/flares etc be de-activated?
    Cos mine are inc rep!
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