Feedback Debuff for Bot Using

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seren, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    I did used bot for a long time, i got 2 times debuff, 1 time temporary bann. I did deserved it and i got my punisment. But, for many years nobody cared about bots, so after years i started to use too. But, now to have a bot debuff close to every month i dont use it and i am happy with the new system, i can do everything without the bot but, if nobody cared, why was i am the only one who didnt used it. Yes, it is funny, if commenting somebody who use it every day, target too... But they believe if they comment here they will miss the bot system, but i think its not work like that :) And i hope soon the system will been more efficyent and can got everybody :) The game is better without the bots. And i realy enjoy it when i see a bot eye on the sea :D
  2. -pysa-*

    -pysa-* Junior Expert

    bruh we cared, you are one of the many reasons why this game is dead
    The*Defiant likes this.
  3. [유]nєdєяlandєn

    [유]nєdєяlandєn Someday Author

    PvP , PvE , and PvBotters game is destroyed for many many years.....
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    Yes i am the reason. Not game who didnt cared about the bot users for too long and now they use target bots what can controll more then 1 ship and make game sometime extremly unfair :D
    Yes the problem is me :)

    AKYBOY Someday Author

    i dont understand why you are complaining abbout bots they are like NPC s good for making points.
    they ban the ships once in a while... im happy bots or not i have what to shoot :D
    the reason is that game have less players to join and keep play, i would not start to play from 0... they have to work on this part make game joining friendly and easy.
    and they have to work on prices also (5$ a good cannon not a good rate neither and they change them once a year :D)
  6. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    I realy hope a now bot debuff is coming. I cant wait, that is my favorite part :D
  7. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    The bots are farming youlong and shaffanad 24/7 now we need a big bot hunt. Why we dont got it? :(
  8. -pysa-*

    -pysa-* Junior Expert

    this is like saying its the police who are the problem when they don't manage to catch the killer. maybe put some blame on the actual criminals.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  9. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    Yes soo smart logic, it is exactly the same thing. Like if everybody is stealing and nobody care is this stealing logic. I am soo happy to have so many usefull philosopher here.
    I never used target like more and more player do. If had before normal bot punishment now dont have target bot, what is a real problem. But yes, blame me, because i made the bot and i upgraded it in this level :) Grove up, and pull out your head from your dark part.

    Seariously, ridiculous...

    And not the police the problem to didnt catch the killer, if they looking for it and try ther best. The police is the problem if they dont do nothing. But i think here the problem is to didnt had police for this problem, so the blame is on the 'goverment'...
  10. Jumbo76

    Jumbo76 Someday Author

    If they were serious about this debuff they'd run it 2-3 times a day. Idk if you notice but some bots aren't logged on when they do run the script once in a blue moon and they avoid it every time. Somehow. ^^
    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. _-walker-_

    _-walker-_ Forum Apprentice

    messages from the big world ..... why run gotchabuff 2-3 times a day when there are bot programs that are constantly active / on misidentifying users in games like that, so i ask why this game is not so done.sry my english:)
  12. -pysa-*

    -pysa-* Junior Expert

    I never said they are the same things, I am comparing the things you alone said. You are not THE problem you are only a very, very small problem.
  13. Loki1621

    Loki1621 Active Author

    akyboy you are right the problem is we can't tell anyone where they are so everyone can sink them or we get bannedfor listing names
  14. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

    Could you please do something to this never ending bot problem, or just tell how is it possible to do quest or anything when theres 2-4 auto target users on same map :O ? Answer, change map :D yeah, but quest npc arent on every map :p Would it finally be time to start bann these users, not just give them gotcha? And also this current event, they seem to be able to do that with bot as well... take those mod accounts on server 74 and come see what it is like on seas, cos clearly player ids with odd behavior we sent to support, seems to be worth nothing.
  15. Now we have two new cannons to upgrade, more cannon slots to buy, more gem levels to buy...and we are complaing about bots? LoL Soon, there will be the super-duper poop deck castle, level 6 officers, another packet of cups, and on and on....with all this we wonder why people pay to run bots....ya right! BP does not care....get a clue...the only reason they do anything is to satisify some players in hopes that 'those' players will spend money upgrading the upgrades.
  16. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    They aint do anything about it because the same that use bot also are the one buy the pacages. So Bigpoint get their money anyway. Honestly i dont care about who earn free from bot in this overrated game with their even more overrated prices on their pacages. Autotarget isnt been work on soon 2 week, and it been fantastic fun, as see how people who used target for 2years soon is worthless when their little program isnt work xDDDDDDD
  17. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    But mate: I see both you and I in lellu85's complaining. He is "us" many months ago when we still thought there was a .000001% chance of hope that the botters might be dealt with. So I applaud his griping, because I still enjoy griping myself (relieves stress too)! :);)
  18. lea_kis

    lea_kis Forum Apprentice

    Every map have 2 target bot, but i dont saw any red eyes in weeks.
  19. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As I have said previously, this thread is for feedback on the Gotcha! debuff; the values of the debuff, and future improvements for the debuff.

    By viewing the comments placed in this thread since I originally reminded players of the use of this thread, I can see that the reminder was not taken into account and this thread is going off-topic again; talking about bots, the effect of bots, accusing bots in chat, when the ban waves are done, buying packages, etc etc.

    For that reason, and that we are not receiving much feedback on the Gotcha debuff values anymore, I am now closing this discussion thread.

    As always, please feel free to comment your feedback regarding the aforementioned topics in the
    General Feedback section of the forum.

    Happy Sailing!

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