Feedback Server Merge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jul 13, 2022.

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  1. bonnie66

    bonnie66 Active Author

    biggest load of *Edit* ive ever seen
  2. bonnie66

    bonnie66 Active Author

    no pusat that server still there
  3. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    why do you guys here who complain about cant get quest done etc play a pve game xD ? when its annoying to get sinked xD ? just wounder. They open a PVE server, try that instead better i think
  4. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    oh ok my son plays that server i was just curious if those servers were going to dissapper....thanks
  5. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    I'm not complaining one bit......was just asking about the pve servers.... but I understand what you are saying!
  6. Xenoverse

    Xenoverse Padavan

    This is the biggest of disappointments. Launching a merge of *PVP* servers, to have it go "temporarily" to *PVE* barely hours after.

    I just hope that this won't be a recursive thing [...]
  7. PomPom70[GWU]

    PomPom70[GWU] Forum Greenhorn

    peace event lol i get shot and cant shoot back great job bp and where is rift map ??
  8. ~bull-dogg~

    ~bull-dogg~ Forum Greenhorn

  9. piratebuccaneer.

    piratebuccaneer. Someday Author

    I'm so disappointed with this merge. The game is completely unplayable now. I will give it a chance to see if it settles down, but this might be the end for me.
  10. **Slammer**

    **Slammer** Forum Greenhorn

    Remove quest-giver from the fleet island in 24, for those who still need to do quests and reputation points to advance in the game.

    Akma’het in Palace of the Elements needs to be adjusted to the higher number of players.
  11. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    Anybody who moans about the number of players on the server or the lag it has now, you guys asked for a merge for 2 years... when it rains you deal with the mud too. Don't like it? tough... you reap what you sow
    Xenoverse and phatty-Boastrike like this.
  12. ßOMßER

    ßOMßER Junior Expert

    LOL So you merge everyone together and I logged on for 5 minutes and couldn't move for about 4 minutes. Way to think this one through!! Should never have been an Ultra Server, should have been a couple different servers at least. I'm about to leave this game that is unplayable
  13. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    this game will end if u dont bring PEACE option
  14. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Padavan

    I always argued against further server mergers - the resulting affect is as expected - !!!
  15. baronvonrat

    baronvonrat Junior Expert

    I was very sceptical about the merge but its working there are so many players playing their ships the bots are get annihilated I only am using a level 2 sellsword and lvl 3 trainers and I am holding my own with both my ships ok its going to take a few days to get the balancing but BP are on the case if you dont like fighting then you are playing the wrong game also good code thank you BP
    Mysmallboat likes this.
  16. M0reirazZ

    M0reirazZ Forum Greenhorn

    *Edit* GAME OVER for me i star 1 year ago and im lvl 33 i want make the quest and its impossible to make 1 only ship i know its pvp i like pvp but how can up lvl!? i need lvl for put my canons better and get more slots...
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 27, 2022
  17. baronvonrat

    baronvonrat Junior Expert

    OK i get that but you now need to prioritise join a good guild its harder yes but things will slow down if you find one quest very busy try doing it later dont get focused on one thing I have two ships to run so its twice as hard if it was easy were would be the fun. Chill I did not want the merg but as it has turned out it's not bad it will take some time to work it self out but ass I said BP are tweaking it bit by bit every day it will get a lot better for all the true fair players
  18. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    As a mom, the threats work very bad when its empty treaths and zero absolutt 0 consequences behind your empty word's.

    "Will there be more de-buff actions in the future? Is there a plan to filter and sanction the bots more seriously?

    Yes, we will be cruel as ever!"

    2 events behind us, 0 debuff given. Servermerge, and were is the cruelness Bigpoint ? its 0 debuff given , absolutt non.

    Many played several years, up to 14y many of em, they are careless pirates who really couldnt care less if they given your 2 weeks breake , because they have 2th,3th ship, jose, juan, georgs the neighbour,the friend's ship or the cousin's ship to enter when their main have gain 2 weeks debuff.

    But the debuff isnt ban the target user's so again your cruelty is like happy pink carebears punnishment.

    Swear to god ya gonna kill your own game as the ship started sink already 2 years ago
    Rabbid, Loki1621 and piratebuccaneer. like this.
  19. HIRMU!

    HIRMU! Forum Apprentice

    lost connection.....

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2022
  20. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert


    [Please use English language]
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 28, 2022
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