Double not working

Discussion in 'Help' started by ~Blaid~, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    2014-01-26 22:51:37You found 2 flask(s) of mojo on the sea chart.
    2014-01-26 22:51:26You received 75 pearls.75 Pearls
    2014-01-26 22:51:07You received 80 pearls.80 Pearls
    2014-01-26 22:50:37You received 2 x Agwe's plates of armor.
    2014-01-26 22:50:21Curses, that was a trap! Your ship lost 28 HP.
    2014-01-26 22:50:12

    You received 86 pearls.

    86 Pearls

  2. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    Sorry user id is at bottom left of post, i dont why it came out so weird

  3. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    If this has just been purchased or renewed, it sometimes takes a little while to activate. It is actually reactivated at the same time each week.

    Please log out, clear your cookies and cache and try again.
  4. ~Blaid~

    ~Blaid~ Forum Connoisseur

    So the same time every week i just need too reset my cookies and stuff and it will start working again? Thanks Shiver :)
    [AM§]*Wølƒ* likes this.
  5. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Yes that should resolve any issues.

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