Feedback Harvester of Souls

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Oct 11, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Harvester of Souls

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the Harvester of Souls event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    where are the floating pumpkins?
    The*Defiant likes this.

    HALIMAW Forum Apprentice

    umm, will there be any pumpkin salvos or burning dutchmen to shoot? if not then how is this event any better or worse than the last event??? and please do not tell us the same old story; "we will forward your input to the team" The same old cut and run from yours truelly rymar
    phatty-Boastrike and -PUSAT- like this.
  4. projetinhobot

    projetinhobot Forum Apprentice

    this isnt the halloween event look at the date
  5. GoDie

    GoDie Someday Author

    Hello , do anyone know why im only getting exp from event ships ?
  6. lombrix

    lombrix Forum Greenhorn

    I have the same problem. I sinked 6 or 7 Dead Walkers, I got only XP .
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy LustySerpant!

    Why would you like to see floating pumpkins within the Harvester event? This is not halloween :D

    Ahoy HALIMAW!

    No... this is not the halloween event...

    Ahoy GoDie! Ahoy lombrix!

    Do you happen to have Scar debuff? If so then that's why.

  8. doom#of#hell#7

    doom#of#hell#7 Forum Greenhorn

    i have the same problem gl8
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    There are two options as to why you do not get a reward:

    1. You are debuffed (Scar)
    2. You dont have any event points - in this case complete an event quest

  10. lombrix

    lombrix Forum Greenhorn

    I completed an event quest and now I get the rewards. Thanks a lot!
  11. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    And yall thought that was something not important and no need to post it on the Event FAQ?
    I mean people might have already invested in this event to get nothing in return....
  12. ~turnip~

    ~turnip~ Forum Duke

    event ships are not paying out any rewards, that's general shooting, most damage and last shot, nothing but exp. tried and tested, shot 200m off a deathly destroyer and only got 35 mil exp
  13. GoDie

    GoDie Someday Author

    Its the 2th , u need to do 1 event quest to get rewards from ships .

    i have a question , why npc doge chance not working in this event npc's , when i use guardian i get the same demage when i have sellsword !!
    TY Vali
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy GoDie!

    As with all NPCs, these also have "gems" like players. Some of them may require you to have high damage prevention, but may not require dodge chance at all - this varies depending on the event.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    These are Pumpkin Event chests (which does seem strange):

    2023-10-12 12:44:09 You received 2 x Copper Spring.
    2023-10-12 12:44:09 1x
    Event key was/were removed. Reason: Chest opened.
    2023-10-12 12:44:09 You opened a locked chest.
    *Sinister1* likes this.
  16. old_chocoflakez

    old_chocoflakez Forum Apprentice


    In my opinion, the event ships are hitting too hard! For smaller ships, with not so much damage prevention, it gets close to impossible to shoot big ones.
    Althought from the rest of my experience it seems a balanced event! :)

    Best regards,
    -PUSAT- and The*Defiant like this.
  17. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    Ok i have a dumb question.........In the event completion it says Use the event action.....0/12 i dont even know what that is, i asked in global chat but could'nt get an answer, a lil help please.....
  18. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    In the FAQ:
    Is it maybe talking about using these? I haven't got on yet, so I haven't tried it.
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  19. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    Thank you Mr.B i used it but it didnt count so i dont know whats going on with it but thank you for taking the time and answering my question
  20. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    Not really, Pumpkins are associated with Harvest time.

    I've been playing for a while and still can't answer the question. I've been trying t use those items to spawn the admirals, but it keeps saying that there are too many in the world. I would agree, hardly anyone shoots them as they hit pretty hard and take forever to sink (haven't sunk one yet, not even made more than 15-20% of one).
    old_chocoflakez and The*Defiant like this.
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