Torpedo Launchers

Discussion in 'Help' started by dapyapi16, Nov 25, 2023.

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  1. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author


    A little help is needed on regards of the torpedo launchers.
    What launchers are the best? And up until what level should I upgrade them (Not as MAKO lvl 1,2,3,4,5 or 6, but the Tinker option).

    I see I lose points and I gain points with each upgrade, and sometimes it looks like I am spending resources for nothing cause the values remain almost the same.

    Some help will be appreciated!
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2023
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy dapyapi16!

    There is no correct answer to your question "which launchers are the best".

    Within the game we have 4 type of launchers with different Primary Attributes:

    • Mako - this launcher is focused on dealing great amount of damage
    • Amarax - this launcher is not as powerful but decrease the time needed to reload the next torpedo
    • Mombu - this launcher provides you with additional critical hit chance
    • Zorax - this launcher is but a mix of all three mentioned above with slight decrease in each statistic when compared to the specific ones
    In my personal opinion Mako would be best when you are trying to achieve the highest damage possible, however please do not take my suggestion as "the best one" as you may find yourself using a mix of 4 Mako 2 Mombu even greater.

    Each Launcher type also have their Secondary Attributes which goes as follow:

    • Mako
      • Torpedo Reload
      • Torpedo Critical Chance
      • Torpedo Hit Chance
      • Torpedo Critical Damage
      • Elitepoints
    • Amarax
      • Torpedo Damage
      • Torpedo Critical Chance
      • Torpedo Hit Chance
      • Torpedo Critical Damage
      • Elitepoints
    • Mombu
      • Torpedo Damage
      • Torpedo Reload
      • Torpedo Hit Chance
      • Torpedo Critical Damage
      • Elitepoints
    • Zorax
      • Damage vs. Players
      • Damage vs. NPCs
      • Hit Probability
      • Critical Damage
      • ELP Bonus
    All Secondary Attributes can be upgraded by tinkering your launcher using special tool's obtained from events, event markets, NPCs or payment.

    Each launcher have three tinkering zones which are described by the letters C, U, R.

    These letters correspond to the tinkering tools required to upgrade each statistic.

    • C - Common Tinkering Tool
    • U - Uncommon Tinkering Tool
    • R - Rare Tinkering Tool
    Once you hit upgrade on a launcher you can see some of their secondary attributes changing, till your bar is in "C" that mean Common Tools is required to upgrade this attribute further, once "C" is maxed and you are still trying to upgrade the same attribute Uncommon tools will be required "U", the same apply to "R".

    Personally I find Tinkering around 200 - 220 at "max" however this number could be higher if you decided to use Common Tools even if your statistic was in its "max" zone.

    Hope this made it a bit clearer for you.

    If you have any further questions fire away I will try to guide you to the best of my knowledge.

    Happy Sailing!

  3. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    Hey Rymar,
    Thanks a lot mate.

    I do have another question.
    If I have them tinkered to 200, when I upgrade them to next lvl (Mako lvl 5 for example), do I lose my tinkering level?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    No, Tinkering is a permanent update to your launcher, in fact upgrading your launchers from level X to level Y may require your launcher to be tinkered to a certain level.

  5. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    Got it.

    Thanks a lot mate.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Do you have any further questions or should I close this thread?

    Happy Sailing!

  7. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    You may close.

    Thank you!
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I am glad that I was able to clarify launchers for you, if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to create a new thread.


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