Debuff and Glitch cheat

Discussion in 'Help' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Nov 29, 2023.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    I saw the announcement that those who abused and gave themselves an advantage in the form

    of glich in the game with countless cannons got a whole week "ban", anyway I have become

    aware of that yes, they got debuff but still these players are left with their free

    exploit gift from Bigpoint. Is it really that hard to permanently remove these cheaters

    from the game? 1 week timeout but keeping what they unfairly acquired is just a

    big mockery of us honest players!!!
    Bawdyn, Loki162 and -PUSAT- like this.
  2. doom79

    doom79 Forum Greenhorn

    i agree
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    What makes you think they keep their unfairly acquired items? Ya joking right? :D

    -Mr.Eyüp- likes this.
  4. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    Okey ,then I give a high five from me to Bigpoint & I like what I read :cool:
  5. death12

    death12 Forum Greenhorn

    They gave those players a 1 week debuff
    Why did they take the balls back?
    Due to the mistake of the seafight team, they cannot debuff paid players for 1 week.

    It's the game team's fault
    Instead of giving this penalty to the players, they should deduct it from the salaries of the software developers.

    If they don't want to make money, no problem.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 29, 2023
  6. booghy1973

    booghy1973 Forum Apprentice

    They usually keep them, I don't remember there being any player who stayed non-stop on the program to have the safanad, the yulong, the rewards from the chests and other advantages withdrawn.
  7. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    why do you support the abuse of a bug in the game that makes the players get x cannons for free xP ? It's not about 10 cannons,

    it's about many cannons.... which are not yet for sale but must be won or come as prizes every now and then.

    Also, when you open an account with Bigpoint, you are required to press "I accept" to their rules, one of which is this:

    1.2.9 The use of programming bugs and/or errors to achieve personal gain is strictly prohibited. Any identified bugs or errors should be reported immediately via the Support contact form.

    So no, it isnt okey no matter "only" 10 or 200......
    Bawdyn likes this.
  8. booghy1973

    booghy1973 Forum Apprentice

    2. Bug Using, Game Errors, Exploits

    It is forbidden to exploit bugs or programming mistakes for personal gain and to disclose them to third parties for exploitative usage. Players who take advantage of such errors and who are caught by the system will have the unfairly obtained items/benefits removed from the game account. The player will also likely be banned from the game indefinitely.

    If errors or bugs are discovered in the game, these must be immediately reported to the Seafight Moderators or game management (Support). Preferably, reports should be made in written form and sent to Support via the contact form. Bugs, errors, and exploits that could lead to unfair player advantages can only be reported to Support via the contact form.

    [Do not use red color - thank you]
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    No. They do not.

    Since this query has been answered I shall now close.

    This is not a discussion thread.


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