Cannons gone missing?

Discussion in 'Help' started by pwaalios, Dec 5, 2023.

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  1. BrokenPearl

    BrokenPearl Junior Expert

    I think you missing the point. it looks unfair to you because you already have it. According to your opinion, BP shouldn't release any $ goods on game currency market or seasons reward then. Thus, what if it was something else? for example you also probably want something on market beside cannon right? u work hard to buy something on market and BP suddenly take away goods you already bought and transaction been made? you wouldn't like this either.

    And I still understand ur point, but you also need to blame on BP not other users who want to buy cannons. We are same side and buyers who didn't make mistake. it is BP fault. Not you or any other players. So, if u are not satisfied with previous market price or goods, i think you also have right to blame on BP. NOT other users who don't have cannons. So no need for arguing with other users. ITS BP fault who made mistake and set the price on goods.
  2. dapyapi16

    dapyapi16 Someday Author

    Let's agree on the fact that it was handled in the worse way possible. True that!
    I am not saying anything on that regard, you are right.
    But as I said, I look at it on this other point of view, they made a change that was fair to the players who actually went and bought the package that gives 20 Overlord level 4, and they do it as much as they can, depending on their budget.
    So is it fair for them to pay for those cannons meanwhile others are getting full for free?
    I will look at this the same way I look at the glitch that made people full of Thunderbolt level 1s.
    It made me furious knowing I was in disadvantage after spending all that money, just because they messed up. I dont know if they fixed that yet, I am hoping they have, and I am in peace with all the rest.

    I do get the point. I am putting down here another point of view, a fair point of view in my opinion. I don't mind them giving out free stuff, I'd be dumb if I did. And I am not blaming people for anything, I am just pointing out that this might be the way they thought of it.
    If it was handled correctly or not, I already said it was handled on the worst way.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 5, 2023
  3. AmiralAntte

    AmiralAntte Forum Greenhorn

    What a *Edit* joke.
    "was to much in the package"
    On the halloween event you could buy 240 bastion cannons. On the winter event you can buy 30 cannons in total.
    From usefull event to totaly worthless.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 5, 2023
    AmericansMostWanted likes this.
  4. Crayola-

    Crayola- Forum Apprentice


    ????????????? Can we get our cannons back that we purchased as you all do not seem to give out refunds that are confirmed by the player?
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 5, 2023
  5. I am deeply sorry for you, mate!
    But lesson learned, put that money into something better!
    Your family, wife, kids, whatever... there is a much better place for it!
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    We understand your frustration however there is nothing that can be done regarding the removed cannons.

    Issue have been fixed, cannons removed currency booked - this will not change.

    To prevent this thread from becoming a discussion I will close it.

    If you would like to make further complaint regarding the in-game market actions taken please contact Support.


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