Does A List Exist?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by The*Defiant, Jan 16, 2024.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    A list of the various captains and their starting parameters (i.e., Vitality, etc.)?

  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The*Defiant!

    All possible (maximum, lowest) statistic for each Pirate Family can be seen right below their names.

    Use the scroll (left, right) to view all possible Captains that you can obtain from chest.

  3. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    What? I don't see anything under the names of the ones I currently have.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight



    Click on your Captain chest - do not open it, use the side bar (left, right) to navigate through all available captains and compare them to yours - note if your captains is level 2 it wont be of any help for ya.

    All statistics can be seen right below their names (in the chest).

  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I know that part. But how do I see if a particular captain *that I have developed* had stronger initial Vitality than others? (This way I won't waste time on Captains like "Teagull"). And I wish there was a way to rank them in my list.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    If you levelled-up your Captain then such option do not exist.

  7. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Hi. I can help you with that. Are you on discord?
  8. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Okay - then there is no list. Thank you. I appreciate it.
  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    No - I am not. I will just take screenshots of the 16 captains shown (which *isn't* all of them, by the way) when I open my next Captain's Chest.
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    All Captain Families - their lowest and max stats:


    Hope that helps.

    The*Defiant and Bawdyn like this.
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thank you.
  12. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Captain Gabbar Singh:

    • Luck: 15
    • Reputation: 14 (guaranteed)
    • Vitality: 14 (guaranteed)
    • Perks (both guaranteed):
      • Night Sailor
      • Wind Whisperer
    I don't know the max values. Just copy the info from the forum.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  13. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thank you, Mate!
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Do you have any further questions The*Defiant?

  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thank you for asking. It just crossed my mind that you might want to add this nice list to the appropriate place in the Seafight Bible. That way it can help others, too.

    You may close this thread. Thank you.
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As per request.


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