captain skill charge

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by alkmatata2123, Jan 19, 2024.

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  1. alkmatata2123

    alkmatata2123 Forum Greenhorn

    I have a question I have a captain Elite (purple glow) who have the ability Adrenaline Rush and it charges approximately 7%-8% when eliminating an NPC. My question is if I evolve the captain to Epic (orange glow), will this when eliminating an NPC charge the Adrenaline Rush skill faster?
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy alkmatata2123!

    The charging speed of your Captain Maneuver is affected by the stats of your Captain.

    Obviously when switching fully developed Elite Captain into the Epic tier his stats will drop (first few levels will be lower than what you had on Elite tier), additionally don't forget to gather Epic equipment!

    Reputation, Luck and Vitality all affect how fast points are gained.

    Each stat provides a bonus for a specific type of action:

    • Reputation: Modifies the amount of points gained by Player Kill, Player Damage and Healing.
    • Luck: Modifies the number of points gained by Assisting to Kill an NPC, Killing an NPC, and Monster Kills.
    • Vitality: Modifies the number of points gained by your HP and VP being damaged.
    Personal suggestion: Collect full Epic clothing before increasing your current captain tier.

  3. alkmatata2123

    alkmatata2123 Forum Greenhorn

    I remember that the captain's ability charge does not influence whether he was lvl 10 or lvl 1, it always charges me 7 to 8%. I understand that the charge depends on the base stat but my question is if when I raise it to brown (epic) it takes its new ones. initial stats as base stats this would make the loading faster that is my doubt
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As previously stated in the post above:

    Reputation, Luck and Vitality all affect how fast points are gained.

    Each stat provides a bonus for a specific type of action:

    • Reputation: Modifies the amount of points gained by Player Kill, Player Damage and Healing.
    • Luck: Modifies the number of points gained by Assisting to Kill an NPC, Killing an NPC, and Monster Kills.
    • Vitality: Modifies the number of points gained by your HP and VP being damaged.
    Therefore upgrading your captain could possibly slow down (on lower level) your skill % gain.

  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I shall close this thread.


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