Feedback Year of the Dragon

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jan 31, 2024.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    What is it used for?

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Connoisseur

    no idea can't even see it in inventory lol
  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    Not sure what it's 'for' other than you need to have 3 of them to get the first (?) surface secret quest from Rex.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy -RedViking-!

    The 'Tears of Dragon' is a quest items required to finish some event tasks.


    Are you sure it is "Crystal Dragon"? Looks more like Celestial Dragon to me.

    Celestial Dragon is a quest item required for some event tasks.

    Both Tears of Dragon and Celestial Dragon can be found within the Depot section of your ship.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. Amiral¤Groda

    Amiral¤Groda Forum Apprentice

    eny one els that has magor buggs this even with not geting rewards from some npcs? for me it say i get the loot but it isnt adding to my account. some off my frend only get 1/4 off the rewards from the golems.
  6. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author


    QUEENVIXEN Forum Connoisseur

    Has anyone found the secret quests yet?
  8. kwikk

    kwikk Forum Apprentice

    need more npc atlantis. ???????????????
    The*Defiant likes this.
  9. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    I have a question?I'm playing a Pirate game with SHIPS!I'm doing quests every day but I won't collect enough sparkling souls to buy at least 3 things from the event market/polished barrels,fortified deck and noble steel upgrade/?After playing every day and you can't buy at least half the stuff from the market.......why am i playing the game!!!
    Note: I play a pirate game with SHIPS, I don't play with fictional submarines and I won't play them! Explain to me why you force us to play your stupid submarines at events, do you want to wipe out the few remaining players? You succeed
  10. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author

    ya ant right but this is seafight lol tha can do any thing tha want to and you cant stop them but we dont have to play i have plad off and on for 16 yr s i am on but going off thank you BP
  11. БОТЕВЪ11

    БОТЕВЪ11 Junior Expert

    A good event.but bots again all over the cards.
    I have a feeling Bigpoint doesnt want to fight the bots!
  12. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    What is this greenish ring that appears under player's boats? Is it some type of buff?
  13. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Yes , you do all missions on surface (2 daily + 4/5 new) then go to atlantis do the 3 daily's and then you get secret mission in atlantis
    Bawdyn likes this.
  14. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This is a strong candidate for "best crystal-gathering event of all time"!
  15. **SeaK!nG**

    **SeaK!nG** Forum Apprentice

    The green ring is indicate the genie buff, and the yellow ring i belive is the captain buff
    The*Defiant likes this.
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Amiral¤Groda!

    We had no further report of such issue, please be aware that sometimes the amount of currency need couple seconds to adjust.

    Have you tried to log out / in? If that doesn't help please contact Support.


    I believe the secret quests are the ones with Radiant Souls and Glyphs, but that's just my personal note.

    Ahoy kwikk!

    That was already forwarded.

    Ahoy The*Defiant!

    That's the Genie Lamp visual effect as already pointed by your fellow pirate.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. kwikk

    kwikk Forum Apprentice

    Why don't they do anything about the NPC in Atlantis? It's not fun, so do something about it
  18. zwaardvis

    zwaardvis Forum Apprentice

    They don't do more NPCs in Atlantis anymore, they don't look at what the players want
  19. k9unit

    k9unit Forum Greenhorn

    They would rather have the players walk away and they don't do anything with those bot users
    The*Defiant and Loki162 like this.
  20. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    I don't understand why we get a lot of crystals in event now when they are as helpful as gold for 90% of the players. Also giving us these 'dragon' items last event that were claimed to be crucial this event to then just being used for like 1 quest that gives nothing useful is kinda strange. Give us better shops , more interactive gameplay , less missions and most importantly stop gaslighting us because the community is sick and tired of being lied to and seen as atm machines.
    The*Defiant and ŖΥOÜ~ like this.
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