Feedback Dragon Egg Timer

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Mar 27, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    We sent our letters to all quest-givers but it seems that some Postman were lost on their journey and our message was not delivered.

    Alright enough jokes for today, all quest-givers restarted at 13:00 CET due to Summer time change, hope this was not of a great issue.

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    Compared to what we had "before" this is a major update (-:

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    Your fellow pirate is correct, such quest item can be obtained from the huge Draconis.

    Ahoy sjahnice!

    Yes it does.

    Ahoy -αઽઽαઽઽiทઽαiℓѳ૨-ΕGØ!

    Could you please explain what do you mean by "shiny sheep"? It is not clear what you mean.

    piranhahunter likes this.
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum Ambassador

    @Rymar I shot a Draconis after I posted, but didn't receive the Amulet Stone (and another one before for the previous quest). Do you need to have most damage or last shot to get it? If so, then this quest will be very difficult. They are rare (or perhaps a small announcement range) and have a lot of people shooting them.

    As for the radiant souls, I agree, it is a big improvement! :)
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Correct, you need most damage to receive the Stone Amulet quest item.

    I am glad to hear that you like the amount of radiant souls gained (-:

  4. Disaster2604

    Disaster2604 Junior Expert

    They arent rare, but finding one close enough to shoot it first might be a challange. You can open event box, and there should be spawn counter which u can refresh to see how many (out of 75) points are left for drake spawn. You can use that to try and sync your last hit on event npc and try to get it to spawn on you. ;)
    Bawdyn likes this.
  5. OnlyHope56

    OnlyHope56 Forum Greenhorn

    Azure Formation is not dropping and it's really starting to irritate me. I killed Seville Scout many times because the quest says "Collect 1x Azure Formation and return to Norton Maxwell. Please help me out, been stuck on this quest for days and had to redo to see if it wasn't broke and still same outcome. Also I have killed eggs to see if they will drop but no.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy OnlyHope56!

    Did you manage to obtain the Azure Formation required for your quest?

    I have reviewed Servile NPC and found no issue with obtaining this quest item.

  7. OnlyHope56

    OnlyHope56 Forum Greenhorn

    No because they won't drop. So I don't know why I'm having this issue and the reason I can't obtain it because Serville won't drop it. What else can I do? Check my ID to see if there's a bug in my quest to obtain it.
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    If you would like to have your account reviewed you need to provide us with your server and user ID.

    Without that information we will be unable to forward your issue.

  9. БОТЕВЪ11

    БОТЕВЪ11 Junior Expert

    What to do with these 950 shine souls what to buy from the bazar?
    This was a very ill-conceived event!
  10. OnlyHope56

    OnlyHope56 Forum Greenhorn


    ID: 1351/92198
    Server: Global Europe 7
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    We have reviewed your account and can see that you already own 5 Azure Formation quest item.

    In order to finish your quest please move closer to the event quest giver - this will trigger the "delivery" part of the quest and allow you to redeem it.

  12. stokvisje

    stokvisje Forum Apprentice

    Would they be nice to remove the bot users from the top 100?
  13. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    not likely
    zwaardvis likes this.
  14. OnlyHope56

    OnlyHope56 Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks :)
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