Feedback The Witchnight

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Apr 25, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    The Witchnight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the The Witchnight event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    witchnight!?! isn't it best to have this event during the fall when it most depicts the seasonal theme... hmm! thats my feedback. the only bewitching going on here is the amount of money BP wants this time for said event. Boo!! as rick james once said "I wish i had 4 hands, so i may give you 4 thumbs down!"
    phatty-Boastrike and BouH{BG} like this.
  3. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    I will be very interested, will even now the money packages be more than the prizes.......? Only Turkish players will remain in your game, we play the same game and we are all PEOPLE, and the money for some is double , even three times more expensive!!! With this greed, tell them that they will run out of unification servers and then what will they do that I am interested in?
  4. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    There are 8 quests (6 normal quests and 2 repeatable (12 hours) quest.

    The repeatable quest is reset every 12 hours.

    Is this new.
    Tylersgma1999 and babenewport like this.
  5. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

    Couple of things. Just got this amount of crystal skulls from onyx
    What are this for, or are these in game for nothing like some event before? if this is wrong item, could those be removed and add some real loot on npc, ty. also storage doesnt show these items at all, and skull next to me show 55, not 250 like it should :p
    There should also be some info for this npc, so the damage can be done for quest, maybe put it shown in little map too :)

    English only please.
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2024
  6. lordix

    lordix Forum Apprentice

    what's this ?the missiongivers don't give missions? how to do 6 quests?
    Dream~Crusher and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  7. panda

    panda Forum Apprentice


    [Please use only English language]
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2024
  8. panda

    panda Forum Apprentice

    lorena-baret 1 mission go
  9. stokvisje

    stokvisje Forum Apprentice

    is another good event for bot players, it's time they do something about it
  10. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    Shame and disgrace again! Nor are there enough Shipwrecks/from 20min. I'm looking around and I can't find any/, nor are there any chests! Again, the money packs are more than the prizes.... *Edit*
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 26, 2024
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy lellu85!

    Crystal Skulls were not intended for this event - check sync notes.

    Ahoy lordix!

    If the event quest-givers do not display quests anymore that mean you have completed all of the event ones available.

  12. panda

    panda Forum Apprentice

    I did all her missions but she didn't count any of them, I have 0 out of 8 missions
  13. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Terrible event . Copy paste from last year , except the payment packs ofcourse.
    stokvisje likes this.
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy panda!

    Take a closer look at patch notes that were posted a moment ago - we will have a sync and quest restart so you will be able to do them all again.

    stokvisje likes this.
  15. stokvisje

    stokvisje Forum Apprentice

    did you forget the safanad coin at this event??
    Disaster2604 likes this.
  16. lordix

    lordix Forum Apprentice

    no restart for quests,still have crystal skulls....
    stokvisje likes this.
  17. MiniOfBelgium

    MiniOfBelgium Forum Greenhorn

    People can (since the restart) make new quests if they didn't make it before and they are counting, but the one's who have already finish them can't restart them ...
    how is it possible to messing up like that ?
  18. stokvisje

    stokvisje Forum Apprentice

    It would be nice to see more Event Chests and some more Shipwrecks
    TakenByForce likes this.
  19. Ventril

    Ventril Forum Greenhorn

    I just shot down Onyx Deathknell alone, from 300m to 0, and i got only xp? and it says that i should be getting pearls maybe a design and a couple more things.. i only got xp????
  20. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy lordix!

    Logout / In this will resolve the displaying of skulls.

    All Skulls have been exchanged for crystals.

    Quests should also be available right now.

    Ahoy MiniOfBelgium!

    A simple log out / in resolve this issue.

    Ahoy Ventril!

    All events require you to own event points to obtain any rewards.

    This has been implemented for a longer period of time and will be used in all future events.

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