Feedback Pirate Cup Legacy

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jun 12, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Pirate Cup Legacy

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the Pirate Cup Legacy event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
    babenewport likes this.
  2. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Hi... It's possible to add this desing to glitters during event? [​IMG]
    Like in others events... Like in Hallowen or Valentine's day, for example.
    I hope it's not too late... >_<
    Dream~Crusher and Bawdyn like this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy wil32!

    That's actually a very good idea!

    I will forward it to the devs (-:

  4. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Shop is almost exactly the same as road to pirate cup which was a 4day event , this is 30 days ... Also payment packs are terrible
    Had high hope for this event but as always you guys never fail to disappoint
    Tylersgma1999 and BouH{BG} like this.
  5. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    Is possible to get solon's coin in phase 1 or will be later on?
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BOMBER890!

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Please be aware that this is a long event with several phases (-: some items will definitely change!

    Ahoy Maceel!

    Solon / Plato coin can be gained from the Nation ranking (that's the only way to obtain them).

  7. GoDie

    GoDie Someday Author

    Hello Rymar ,

    Where can we buy ammo to shoot this event ?

  8. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Where can we get cursed souls to buy puzzle pieces?
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy GoDie!

    At the moment you are unable to purchase the event ammunition, this has been already forwarded.

    Ahoy 8luckyjack8!

    Cursed souls can be obtained only from the transaction bit (selling your duplicate cards), there is no other option available.

  10. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    and the keys for the event and do they forge them in some factory yet? Maybe they will put them in packages for money and I can directly delete the game!!!
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BouH{BG}!

    If you would read any of EN chats you'd see that this has been already forwarded.

    Please be patient.

  12. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    When will we be able to place bets on the games?
  13. -=SoVeT=-

    -=SoVeT=- Forum Greenhorn


    Please use English language.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 13, 2024
  14. langa61.

    langa61. Forum Greenhorn

    Event Keys are in the shop but they are only avail to purchase with real money. This is a deviation from what is normal. Please correct this.
  15. Harvestar2050

    Harvestar2050 Forum Apprentice

    wat the code ?
  16. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    Well done, now restart again and the people with Auris are damaged again, have the Auris left again?
  17. -BigBadWolf-

    -BigBadWolf- Forum Apprentice

    I don't understand this, the pirate cup champion France just started Phase 9 approx 1 1/2 hours ago and there are tons of boats with 30,000 plus points. Since points come from Event Points, how can people have so many in 90 minutes? What am i missing when it comes to earning event points? The quests don't give that many, the small ships give 30ish each and the admirals give 300ish (I solo'd one and got 297). Can't shoot that many boats in 90 minutes so what am I not doing?
  18. *HMS*aZgaRd*

    *HMS*aZgaRd* Someday Author

    I am guessing you are an honest player, and they are a dishonest player. Mathematically speaking, unless you are running a #$$%, it is impossible to get than many points in that short of time. Just look at the league points, people are getting to over a billion ELP in the first 5 days, lol. Seafight dont care, they just keep letting them bot and whatever because they spend the money and $$$$ is what it is all about bro.
  19. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    Am I supposed to still have a flag on my ship? If yes, ok, if no---I still have it.
  20. Carnage~Queen

    Carnage~Queen Advanced

    Thanks for the CODE Seafight 'ROADTOTHECUP2024' - pity it doesn't work:eek:
    djt182 likes this.