Sails Are Messed Up.

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Dream~Crusher, Jul 10, 2024.

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  1. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Inhabitant

    Last night I finally addressed the issue of wondering why my ship is suddenly so slow. What I found was that I had 4 Bermuda Sails that were not registering. I took them off of my deck to move to storage and then back, but I hit a snag. When I dropped them into my storage, they vanished. So, I checked another setup where I did the same thing and it happened again! I ended up just buying 4 new Bermuda sails and putting them back on and it worked, but it is messed up. (I also analyzed the various components that make up my ship's speed, and my Special Gem also was not registering on all of my presets. I have no idea why. It did finally show up later). I just wanted to file this report. Thanks.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    Sails are not messed up.

    Sails are destroyed each time you are sunk - these need to be replaced unless you own a Sail Maker that will fix them for you.

    Without Sail Maker you need to replace your sails after every sink.

    Regarding the ship gem, be aware that Topaz (+49 speed) works only above 50% of your HP, while Citrine (+80 speed) works only below 50%.

  3. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Inhabitant

    I don't understand why you argue with me, mate! I am just reporting this. It is incorrect, let someone look at it! Did you think I moved my sails to storage, and they did NOT vanish? I am baffled by your reply, and do not appreciate the implication that I am a liar. I am not!

    I have the Sailmaker here:


    And please note: I did all of this analysis while sitting in safe haven, by the way! As I stated, on two of my five presets, I moved the Bermuda sails, they just vanished, I bought them again in the market and subsequently put them back on. But they indeed vanished, and the game is malfunctioning in this regard.

    As I also stated, my topaz gem did *not* reflect in my stats on one of my five presets. I was sitting still in safe haven, so the gem should have reflected on all five of my presets. It is malfunctioning.

    What you do with this information is up to you. It would help if you would keep in mind that the game does have "glitches" and that (obviously) not everything always works correctly. Thank you.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Each and every complaint made by the players is reviewed, the issue with sails that you just reported was also checked on 3 different servers.

    On all of them everything worked fine - that's why you've been told that the sails are not messed up.

    Nobody is or will be arguing with you. There is no issue regarding both sails and speed display.

    If you believe differently please contact Support and provide them with as much details regarding the issue as possible.

    As you have been redirected to Support this thread will be closed.


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