is it fair?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by -_-Sharma-_-, Dec 14, 2024.

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  1. -_-Sharma-_-

    -_-Sharma-_- Forum Apprentice

    Today I got sunk by a green Debuffed boat.

    I do not think this is fair.
    How can a unfair player even after caught sink me so easily?

    How is this a deterrent for not doing the wrong thing?

    Are you as a player proudly just showing off your debuff?? It appears it doesnt really mean anything?
  2. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    its big points punishment for cheating
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy -_-Sharma-_-!

    The debuff do not stop players from playing the game - it is possible that you will be sunk by a player who has been debuffed.

    If you would like to make further statement please contact Support.

    As you have been redirected to Support I will close this thread.


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