Feedback A Christmas Peril - Frozen Abyss

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Dec 10, 2024.

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  1. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Any tips on getting presents fast? It takes ages for me to get any perks upgraded
    zwaardvis likes this.
  2. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    Christmas Memories—a special quest item dropped only by dungeon bosses

    cant find it after sinking boss, do you pick it up like a glitter?
    zwaardvis likes this.
  3. G-dude

    G-dude Regular

    Never mind. It appears as though the companion buffs remain after logging out or server restart.
    It is the player buffs that are removed.
    zwaardvis and stokvisje like this.
  4. The loot , this few gift box ,
    zwaardvis and stokvisje like this.
  5. stokvisje

    stokvisje Forum Apprentice

    ask how many waves are there
    zwaardvis likes this.
  6. onderwatervis

    onderwatervis Forum Apprentice

    After 7 hours of playing I still haven't been able to buy anything on the market, this is not fun
    jbgrinder123, -PUSAT- and zwaardvis like this.
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BOMBER890!

    Join and Leave the dungeon for as long as you get Bob with ya, before that make sure you upgraded his perks to at least:

    3/10 Festive Cheer - this will grant you a huge chance to receive 150 000 after NPC has been defeated
    2/10 Cratchit's Barrage - this perk will grant you some healing with every companion shot
    2/3 Scrooge's Protection - your own buff in damage prevention
    After obtaining these you should be able to easily move past 1st boss, on higher waves you can get from 90 - 115 gift boxes per small NPC which move ya even further.

    Do it at least once a day (remember that YOUR buffs disappear after you leave hub or log out - so use it only when you know you've got time)

    With 6/10 Festive Cheer, 5/10 Cratchit's Barrage on Bob and 3/3 Scrooge's Protection on myself I was able to score wave 15 but lost to the boss - this took me an 1h 15m, I could leave as soon as boss showed up but wanted to give it a try. Through this time I gained about 15 000 gift boxes which allowed me to purchase even more buffs.

    Do you remember how in past we used to use our range to fight opponents?

    You can outrange some of the NPCs by 1-2 squares leaving room for your cannons firing without being damaged, but it takes a bit of practice.

    Hope this helps!

    Ahoy lude1962!

    You did not beat the "BOSS" but an admiral.

    The main boss appear on every 5th wave, so 5th, 10th and 15th.

    Only these drop Memories required for quests.

    Ahoy G-dude!

    Correct! Your buffs last for as long as you are within the dungeon / hub and are lost if you leave hub or log out.

    Ahoy stokvisje!

    There is a total of 15 waves.

    Ahoy onderwatervis!

    You must be doing something wrong then, read what I wrote above and try implementing that on your end.

  8. Ŵơdėnśŵĩll

    Ŵơdėnśŵĩll Forum Apprentice

    how comes i only take one helper in the map last halloween one i was able to take all three?
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Ŵơdėnśŵĩll!

    Because this is not Halloween map :D

    Please read the faq:

  10. maceeleu8

    maceeleu8 Forum Greenhorn

    So those are my problems with this dungeon

    - Not casual payer friendly (some people don't have hours to spend on that even when they need to play daily quest and other stuff)
    - Why I have to enter and exit dungeon countless times till I get the assistant I need? (happens to me after over 7 times to get it, why can I choose it instead? ANNOYING !!!)
    - Why assistant needs to have Icon/ picture over the ship? Like ppl actually can read the name's. It's annoying when they cover the place I want to click or the ship I want to click and attack.
    - Why ghost of Christmas pass after defeat spawns the portal on random place? All other bosses do it and place where they were defeated.
    - Why ships on wave 1-6 need to hit for 500k? so I must play for like hour to upgrade all bonuses before entering wave 1-6. Annoying and stupid. (got spawned between 4 of then and Rymar said we need to outrange npc by 1-2 square, how? when they coming at any direction and we still get hit)
    - Why are NPC not visible on map?

    You have to understand that is not some game like WOW, POE, Diablo where u grind in dungeons, That is SF ppl are annoyed when they have to spend way too much time on one thing here. Some of us don't spend 4-7h on that game. Fix it make it more fun to play, because now is not, and ppl are complaining about it but no one give a flying POOP about that.
  11. piranhahunter

    piranhahunter Forum Expert

    were can i find a abbisal spirit npc
    need 1 for quest but i dont remember seeing 1 on the water
  12. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    It's in Atlantis.
    piranhahunter likes this.
  13. piranhahunter

    piranhahunter Forum Expert

    thank you
    Bawdyn likes this.
  14. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    *Edit* Do the stones on the ship and on Peta work? Do the special stones work too? Should he configure the ship for the NPC for this fictional map?
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 15, 2024
  15. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BouH{BG}!

    No, everything is set the same way for everyone - no gems, no expansion items, no special ammo etc.

    Please do not use foul language when talking about the game or game creators - such behaviour won't be tolerated.

  16. Amasra

    Amasra Forum Greenhorn

    @Rymar Hello, what is the new quest complete conditions for Frozen Abbys? Thanks!
  17. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Amasra!

    You mean quest number 4 Confronting Shadows?

    If so then this one require 200 Christmas Memories.

  18. Amasra

    Amasra Forum Greenhorn

    @Rymar Hello, yes i meant these Quests. Thanks. Is there a possibility to learn the last one or is it still a secret?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2024
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Amasra!

    We will have to wait till the 18th to see how much is required for the final quest to be done.

    At this moment I do not have such information.

  20. *LittleBustaRhymes*

    *LittleBustaRhymes* Forum Apprentice

    absolutely ridiculous amounts, how is anyone supposed to have enough time to complete this, garbage!!
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