Feedback Tales of Power & Glory

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Mar 14, 2025.

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  1. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Expert

    1) Can players win more than one of the "Karen" figureheads? Also, how is this item won?

    2) Regarding the Portal of Reality: I finished all seven waves three times, and got nothing but pearls. I still have seven attempts available. I have not won the jewel. What is left to do? (I didn't get sunk, either). And what does the symbol with a timer countdown mean?

    3) I have three jewels (bone, fire, and speed) but finished four portals (soul, time, mind, space). It looks like the four portals I finished are grouped into a special section, so that's why I say that. Am I short a jewel? P.S. I entered (and completed) Loki's Portal of Dream, yet only two gems were removed, not three. Is this broken?

    2025-03-22 23:09:40 1x Jewel of Bone was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    2025-03-22 23:09:40 1x Jewel of Speed was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    Last edited: Sunday at 9:27 AM
  2. Turoff69

    Turoff69 Forum Apprentice

    i have 24000 platos coins before this event. they wont be exchanged at the end of event will they?
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Vladi*Bg!

    This quest item will be available in the future.

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    1. No, each player can own just 1 Karen figurehead. This item can be obtained from some Big Portals - which one? No one knows.
    2. You did not finish this map before timer went to 0 - so you got kicked out and gained "-1" on your portal life. This map must be completed before the time displayed hit 0.
    3. No, this is not broken. If you did a Portal of Dream that's it - your big portal is on a cooldown. You'll be able to do another small and big one once Temporal Energy buff finish - and you do purchase a new one.

    Yes, these will be exchanged, as stated in the event FAQ:

  4. Turoff69

    Turoff69 Forum Apprentice

    but i earned those coins before event? that isnt fair is it? feel like ime being robbed.
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Turoff69!

    Could you please state how did you gain Solon and Plato coins when only event NPCs drop these?

  6. Turoff69

    Turoff69 Forum Apprentice

    They were on sale in market 3 or 4 events ago.
  7. any 1 know if group maps to enter are they limited perday?
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Turoff69!

    Well, if that was a thing then these were not exchanged before.

    No event currency (unless announced) can be carried over onto the next event.

    Yours will be exchanged at the end of this one.

    Ahoy ™~☣~ℒüїṧ~☣~™!

    Each portal (small / big) can be done once per day - unless a friend invite you to theirs, then you can do your friend portal.

  9. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Padavan

    I have attempted this 7 map 10 times and the timer always runs out just before completion. it is impossible to see what NPC I am targeting as they are all grouped together in a big blob. Just to be sure, how many waves are there - 5? And where is this tales of glory map? I do not see it anywhere in MOF. Also, you guys keep mentioning Large portals. I only see 8 small ones in the MOF. Where are the large portal(s)? Thanks
    Last edited: Tuesday at 10:31 AM
  10. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Expert

    To get credit towards the "finish groupmaps" section of the "event completion" goal, is the maximum possible that we can do equal to only one every 24 hours?

    Also, since we are now in phase 3, how do we find Loki's true parents?
  11. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Duke

    Why only one...groupmap to do "Finish groupmap"?o_O
  12. Slacker57xx

    Slacker57xx Forum Apprentice

    There is a quest available now
  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    It is possible to finish it with 1min 15 seconds still on clock, all you need is Bloodlust and Homing Mine.

    There are 7 waves in total, you aim at your target by using your mouse wheel - 1 hit on NPC -> Switch -> 1 hit -> Switch -> Mine -> 1 hit -> repeat

    Tales of the glory = Map of Forever

    In order to summon large portals you need at least 3 Jewels, these Jewels can be obtained from small portals.

    So you complete the small portals (as many as you can) and then visit Al-Akhir to see what portals (big one) he may offer for you.

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    You can only do 1 big portal on your account every 24 hours (duration of your temporal energy buff), if you want to do more you need to ask friends to invite you to their portals.

    If you wish to find the quest item "Loki's Parents" you need to complete most of event quests in both Surface and Atlantis.

    Ahoy .Kenze.!

    There is not just one.... hover your mouse over that task you'll see that all Big Portals count.

    Tergrinder and Dream~Crusher like this.
  14. *VIC615*

    *VIC615* Someday Author

    where do you find the Indicipherable scroll 2 ?
  15. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Atlantis Quest
    Dream~Crusher likes this.
  16. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Duke

    Yes I know but how do we do those 6 tasks? One at the time or? When I go to do a groupmap,I only see "Tales of Power & Glory". I take this one first and other be come?


    Last edited by moderator: Wednesday at 11:59 AM
  17. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    Big portals available depend upon how many/type of jewels.
    Do all the small portals you can, I was lucky once and managed to get in after 3 small portals.
    I have only seen portal of life , and portal of death for big portals.
    As a single player I found portal of life easy, run away and repair.
    Rymar a lot of players are unhappy that they may not be able to complete event completion (groupmaps, at 1 per day) as they were not told that the big portals were groupmaps. Not every player has mateys/50 man guild to enter groupmaps.
    Dream~Crusher likes this.
  18. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *VIC615*!

    This quest item can be obtained as a reward from one of the Atlantean quests.

    Ahoy .Kenze.!

    In order to do these maps you need to:

    1. Jump in SH
    2. Own Key of Forever
    3. Own Temporal Energy Buff
    4. Jump in Map of Forever by using the Key
    5. Complete small portals
    6. Once small portals are done sail to the Al-Akhir and see what Big Portal (Loki's Portal) you can summon
    7. Successfully finish Big Portal
    8. Repeat once again when your Temporal Energy finish
    9. Once you re-purchased your Temporal energy start over from Point 1
    10. If you wish for more portals do be done within a day try to asking your friend to invite you to their portals.

    Please be aware that moderators are not machines, we do not work 24/7. As you can see I am the only one answering everyone (not only yours) queries here, so once your question is posted please wait patiently for a response.

    Additionally please be aware that creating post under post under post will cause you to receive a forum infraction each time this take place.

    The amount of infractions taken may result with temporal access to the forum.

    Ahoy lude1962!

    Each big portal can be done by either:

    - You on your own
    - You + 2 of your friends

    Our FAQ clearly stated that 3 players can do the Big Portals at once, your friends can even pass your small portals for you (just 1 player can enter a small portal) if you struggle with one.

    I do play in super small guild and we do manage to complete every big portal without problems, yes some are requesting help with a smaller portal but that's how we all are supposed to play this map - together.

  19. -BigBadWolf-

    -BigBadWolf- Someday Author

    Any idea when we will be able to use our Seal of Glory Tokens? According to FAQ - There will be a special item called Seal of Glory Token that will unlock exclusive packages and a special market. Would be nice to know if they are worth chasing after.
    Dream~Crusher and BOMBER890 like this.
  20. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Duke

    Please be aware that moderators are not machines, we do not work 24/7. As you can see I am the only one answering everyone (not only yours) queries here, so once your question is posted please wait patiently for a response.
    Maybe the other mods could answer us.Why they dont?I see much more mods beside you.
    Small/big protal...they are not easy to locate cause I see same size protals.
    Last edited: Wednesday at 9:25 PM
    Dream~Crusher likes this.