not that i expect anything by now from you

Discussion in 'Help' started by -MommaDewks-, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. -MommaDewks-

    -MommaDewks- Someday Author

    but i asked master puppy to ban a br1 boat who gets on all days and says crap and pretends to be me and she states there is NOTHING in the rules that they are breaking i know your mods are biased but they really need to stop playing mod if they cant be fair
    but instead i get banned pfft

    usa west 146/33370884 -MommaDewks-
  2. -MommaDewks-

    -MommaDewks- Someday Author

  3. -MommaDewks-

    -MommaDewks- Someday Author

    as expected you view it but say nothing
  4. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Mommadewks, players view this thread and do not respond that is why you see views going up.

    I am only just home from work and am now answering your post, the reason for the delay is that as you would not wish masters puppy's to answer your post and there is no one else at present to do so.

    As for complaining about masters not banning someone from chat for using a similar name to your is that she is not permitted to, there is nothing in the rules stating players cannot use similar chat name to others.

    Our mods are not biased and I take offense to being told that we are not moderating our own teams behavior. You may not like my answers, you may not like the mods answers however if another person asked the same question they would get the same answer.

    You have received a warning for insulting our moderator, if you continue to do so on the open forum you will receive more warnings and will lost posting rights.

    As this is not an unban request I will close.

    If you are unhappy with my answer please feel free to contact the support team where you can speak freely without consequence.

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