Pirate issue

Discussion in 'Help' started by *GRUDGE*, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    Does BP know what the problem with the pirates is, or how to fix it.
    10 pirates per deck instead of 30
    Have braveheart skill not lit up

    Please fix
  2. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    hi bro currently theres lots of issues with the game and the pirate issue has been brought up many times.
    the seafight team i believe are aware however they are working on more severe errors/bugs they will just need some time and patience to get everything resolved.

    as for the second part do they know how to fix it ? yes of course they know how to fix it once the problem is idetified they have to find the root cause of this specific issue and thats where it becomes time consuming.
  3. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    i have just checked my braveheart skill and its working correctly.

    how many skills do you have ?
    do you have 1 skill in both critical hits and extra experience ?
  4. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    I have 2 skill points i the basic "braveheart" skill, but when I go the board tab on the sea chart it is not lit up as though there is no bonus for the skills aquired.
  5. soljaboy

    soljaboy Regular

    if you only have 2 skills then its not possible to have the skill braveheart you need at least 3. (1 in each catagory.)

    once you have a third skill you can put it in braveheart make sure to press the save button in the bottom right hand side.

    also if you hover over each catagory it will tell you what the requirements are to be able to sucessfully use the chosen skill.

    hope this helps you bro.
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Has your fellow pirate's answers helped you with your problem with bravehart? As for the pirates issues, they are still being worked on. it is a problem that effects players game wide. All I can ask for is your continued patience in this matter. Thank you.
  7. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    hmmm....I hover over the skill and it tells me the only requirement is 1 point in "Extra Experience. Should I not get 2% of braveheart? By the way, this boat has 50 skills.

    And thank you both for your help. I am trying to have patience. I have learned a valuable lesson about spending too much money on this game. :confused:
  8. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    If you could please provide your user id and server that you play on I'll see if I can offer more assistance.
  9. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    Thank you Shiver,

    146/41837147 USA2 (westcoast)
  10. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Hi Grude from what I can see your braveheart skill is at level 2 and appears to be active.
  11. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    When I go to the seachart and open the "board" chart and look into the skills and castles, the braveheart icon is not lit.
  12. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Ok now I see what you mean, I've checked both your account and my own account and both are the same, i.e. not showing active.

    I've asked for clarity on this from someone higher up than me and I'm awaiting an answer.

    I have also asked that someone create a page for the bible explaining the pirate system, so that players can calculate how many pirates they should have as we are getting conflicting reports.

    Please bear with me a little while longer.
  13. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    patiently, thank you
  14. Shiver

    Shiver Commander of the Forum

    Ok I've had a response, what you see in the boarding menu is not yet active, it will be come active I believe in the next part of the ams system updates.

    Please don't ask me to explain it for as yet I do not have full details of this.

    (still working on the pirates info:))
  15. *GRUDGE*

    *GRUDGE* Forum Inhabitant

    Thank you, Shiver
  16. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Query answered

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