Transmogrification Milestone Overview

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Mad_Eye, Jun 3, 2014.

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  1. Mad_Eye

    Mad_Eye User

    Transmogrification Milestone Overview

    Ahoy Pirates,

    As you may have noticed from the podcasts and updates over the last months, we are working hard on bringing a new feature to you - the Transmogrification System. We want to share with you exactly what this means for Seafight.

    The main reasons for the Transmogrification System include:
    • allowing you to select the ship design you want without being limited to its buffs
    • moving more functions from the shipyard / storage trove (website) into the sea chart (client)
    • being able to set up your ships’ buffs exactly how you want to, directly from the sea chart
    • introducing the new gem crafting feature where you can upgrade your ship’s stats

    As this is such a huge update and touches many aspects of the game, we decided to split it into several milestones, described below. We have also included the current planned release dates; however, these can easily change, as can the content of each milestone. We have yet to begin tackling some of the later milestones and we could easily come across a number of hurdles along the way as we are dealing with such large and important parts of the game. However, we wanted to give you a general overview and timeframe so that you have an idea of everything we are working on.

    Milestone 1 (Current version)

    Ship Equipment Screen (Overview):

    Milestone 1 was released last week on 28.05.14. The Ship Equipment Screen gives you an overview window which opens up directly on the sea chart showing you your current ship design as well as your most important ship stats. The current ship design you have active is displayed and you can change the badge you want to be shown on the sea chart.

    Milestone 2 (Beginning of July)

    Gem configurator:
    All of the buffs from your ship designs will be converted into three different types of gems depending on what type of buff it is. For example, damage bonuses such as harpoon damage and cannon damage will be converted into Offensive Gems, bonuses such Hit Points and Voodoo Points will be converted into Defensive Gems and special items such as the Blockade Breaker will be converted into Special Gems.


    All buffs will be accurately converted into gems. On the day milestone 2 goes live you may notice a slight difference to your ship’s ability but all values that do have to be changed will be rounded-up to your advantage.


    Safe Havens:
    So now your ships buffs have been converted into gems what do you do? With milestone 2 we will introduce several PvE “Safe Haven” maps which will be located at several different points adjacent to the main sea chart. There’s no need to worry that the Safe Havens will be a place for scared pirates to escape mid-battle, there will be a countdown timer preventing them from being able to simply jump into the Safe Havens whilst you’re bombarding them with ammo!


    On the Safe Haven maps you will find the Gem Forge which will allow you to configure your gems to give you a variety of different ship set-ups and save them to use on the sea. For example, you might want a specific ship set-up built for attack when going into battle against an enemy guild or you might want a set-up aimed at shooting against monsters and NPCs.


    In the future, the Safe Havens will be home to more features including the Quest Givers and future updates to the Gem Forge.

    Ship equipment screen (Ship selector):
    This is where you will finally be able to switch between ship designs of your choice as well as being able to choose between the configured ships you set-up in the Gem Forge. Opening the Ship Equipment Screen directly from the sea chart will allow you to see the different set-ups you created in the Gem Forge and choose which one you want to activate as well as which design you want to sail around with.


    Milestone 3 (End of July)

    Gem crafting:
    Now this is where things start getting interesting! Many of your gems can be crafted in order to improve their abilities and with milestone 3 this will be possible. When milestone 3 goes live, this can be done from the Gem Forge on one of the Safe Havens. You can craft gems of the same level in order to create more powerful, higher-level ones.

    You don’t have to worry that you won’t have enough gems to reach the next level – there will be a number of ways for you to get your hands on new gems that will be gradually introduce into Seafight!


    Safe Havens:
    In order to craft your gems you will have to visit the Gem Forge on one of the Safe Havens. When you click on the Gem Forge a window will open up giving you the option to craft your gems. This window will be the same as the one you open up when customizing your ship set-ups, but will be on a different tab.

    Milestone 4 (End of August)

    Ship Equipment Screen (Storage and buffs):
    Milestone 4 will finally give you the chance to see exactly what buffs you currently have active on your account. All buffs you have, including your Premium, Queen’s Legacy and Mojo Deck, will be displayed. The buffs can be sorted by time allowing you to see which ones are almost running out. When your buffs are close to expiring they will be highlighted in red.


    In addition, with milestone 4 you will also be able to see all the other storage items you own such as chains and lanterns.


    Milestone 5 (End of September)

    Ship Equipment Screen (Decks and sails):
    The milestone 5 release will give you the ability to equip your cannons and beams directly from the sea chart saving you the time and trouble of having to visit the shipyard. You will also be able to switch between different, previously saved deck set-ups directly from the Ship Equipment Screen.


    In addition, the milestone 5 release will also allow you to repair and equip your sails directly from the Ship Equipment Screen.

    Milestone 6 (October)

    Ship Equipment Screen (Crew):
    When milestone 6 is released you will be able to see your whole crew from the Ship Equipment Screen, including carpenters, voodoo priests and pirates. As this will be a rework of the boarding window, you will also be able to equip your pirates from the Ship Equipment Screen.


    Timeline and milestone content

    As mentioned above, the release dates and content of each milestone provided are only what we currently have in mind and can easily change. If dates and content do change we will let you know here so keep an eye on the forum and tell us what you think in the discussion thread.

    Your Seafight team
  2. Mad_Eye

    Mad_Eye User

    Ahoy Pirates,

    It has been very interesting reading all the feedback about the Transmogrification milestones. We fully understand some of the concerns raised, especially your fears regarding the potential cost of the updates so we thought it best to give a bit more information about it. Nearer the various release dates, more in-depth information will be posted but here are some of the basics.

    After milestone 2 goes live, all ship designs you currently have will be individual ships for you to select and configure how you want to. Each ship design will therefore have their stats attached to it, in the form of gems.

    For example, a design from a few years ago that only has 5,000 additional Hit Points and no other buffs will have a low-level gem with 5,000 Hit Points attached to it. Whereas a new design which has a lot of buffs would have a much higher-level gem worth, for example, 70,000 additional Hit Points attached to it. A new design would also have a Voodoo Point Gem and maybe a Special Gem (for example the Blockade Breaker) depending on which buffs the ship design had in the first place.

    You will be able to remove the gems from your ships and place them in the inventory. From there, you will be able to place the gems onto another ship of your choice. Each time you remove a gem from a ship it will cost a certain amount of currency depending on what level the gem is. The low level gems will be very cheap to remove from the ships whilst the higher level gems will cost a bit more.

    Don’t forget, if you don’t want to do anything you don’t have to. On the day milestone 2 goes live you will have the same stats on your ship designs as before or, in some cases, the stats will be slightly rounded-up. However, if you want to storm the seas again with your old Nerus, Flying Dutchman or Elite level designs you can do so by removing high-level gems from some of your newer, more powerful ships and putting them into your old ones.

    When milestone 3 goes live, you will be able to use your gems to craft better, stronger ones and improve your ship. As mentioned above, more in-depth information will be posted about milestones 2 and 3 nearer to their release dates. In addition, we aim to open the beta server before the milestones go live to give you enough time to test everything and get used to how the updates work.

    Don't forget to tell us what you think in the discussion thread.

    Your Seafight team
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2014
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  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    The sync for the Transmogrification milestone 2 has been postponed – the current planned live sync date is the end of next week.

    Your Seafight Team
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