when will we see the bans?

Discussion in 'Help' started by WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT, Jan 21, 2015.

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    WĨŁĎĔBĚĚŜT Forum Apprentice

    It´s now almost one month that u made the following stats.

    Bonus Map exploit

    Ahoy Pirates,

    It has come to our attention that there is an exploit allowing players to gain and complete Bonus Maps illegally by using fiddler. Luckily, we are able to identify those who have used this exploit and are working on a script to permanently ban these players from the game.

    Your Seafight team

    as i´m not willing to fight those cheats anymore, i wanna know when action will be taken.
    i´m playing now for 7 years, but getting tired to fight cheats with full hull bonuses, free pearls, Gold, Elite Items and Ammunition and so called "warbots". Allowing those cheaters to participate in the events and winning prices is even the worsted slap into the face of honorable players.

    i aspect an answer in what time frame you think you will solve that.
    until those measures, you promised, are taken, i will be inactive and save my items for better times, that hopefully come.
    And please clean the Hall of Fame when the bans are done.

    sincerely Wildebeest (UBA Council) USA East
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    Unfortunately we do not have a time frame for you. This is something though that has taken a top priority spot with the teams and is currently being worked on as fast as possible. Obviously, the sooner the better, but we do not have a specific time yet.
  3. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    well said Wildebeest ,
    sadly you are not alone there are hundreds of players on all servers who are in the same position ,
    whats worse is it takes big point to long to catch and act upon theses cheats at our expence
    and often nothing if anything is done to theses players , to the point where clean players feel there been exploited by big point !!
    Loki162 likes this.
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    I can guarantee that action will be taken against all these players as they all can be absolutely identified. However, it is a time consuming task. It is currently being done and compiled however. Action will be taken.
  5. ebakanezzer

    ebakanezzer Forum Apprentice

    My question is why is big point having such trouble with this? A company that is having the same problem with exploits from 6 years ago..... Seems to me that the exploits benefit the company as far as other players keeping up with those that exploit.... So why do anything as long as people are willing to pay (that are honest) to keep up the people that take advantage of an unsecured server? All of the money that has been made has been on people exploiting the game so to me they plan on doing minimal work to fix it.

    Pirate since 2002
  6. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    You are incorrect. There is no trouble finding who is cheating. It is compiling the script is a time consuming process. It is not as simple as flipping a switch. As nothing more can be done on the forum, I will now close this thread.

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