are the botters going to get punished?

Discussion in 'Help' started by ejder123123, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. ejder123123

    ejder123123 Someday Author

    top 4-5 in the event ranking they are all using bots i see them in the maps too..

    if you guys dont remove all the points they have accumulated you are just encouraging other players to bot also!!!

    you are to soft on them!!!
    Loki162, Loki1621, Katja.S and 2 others like this.
  2. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    The problem is not enough enforcement of the rules and especially not enough hours in the day to combat the exploits, hackers, botters. It's truly a sad point in fact that this was a great game where peeps of different walks of life could play together and establish good friendships and sometimes lifetime bonds. Because of the very same rules we all adhere to , we cannot outright say who is using a outside program because they don't want to offend those suspected of using a program, I say hogwash! We all know BP is soft and without a doubt afraid to correct a problem they know is affecting the rest of the honest players.
    America, Loki162 and Loki1621 like this.
  3. Destruction

    Destruction Old Hand

    Personally, I don't expect any action to be taken. The issue is too far gone now that they cannot feasibly ban all the players. Lets say, for arguments sake, that BigPoint could just press a button and all botters would be banned. Have a look down your top 100 in Battle Points, the most active fighters in a ranking that cannot be botted, and count how many of those use bots. Many players have the view that botters do not spend money although this is not true and by banning all botters, BigPoint would most likely lose around 75-80% of their income, which would therefore cause the end of the game.

    I believe the only way to combat the issue as it is now is give every bot user a temporary ban for the first offence and then make it permanent for the second. Deterring the use of bots is the only logical way that BigPoint can work towards a bot-free community without taking a financial hit big enough to close down the game.

    It is what we would all like, but unfortunately it is not a reality I see.

    Loki162 and Loki1621 like this.
  4. Beorn

    Beorn User

    Ahoy ejder

    Your feedback is noted and will be forwarded. While this is not exactly a General Question I will close this thread. However feel free to discuss this issue in
    General Feedback.

    Happy sailing

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