Feedback Atlantis - Terror from the Deep

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Mar 18, 2021.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Atlantis - Terror from the Deep

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on Atlantis - Terror of the Deep.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Lo0ney

    Lo0ney Forum Greenhorn

    so sad about the event incredible difficult to tank npcs even with 50% dodge + guardian lv 2 i take 50k damage from the weakest npc the 2nd one deals over 100k.. why do they have such big stats? if weaker players cant farm solo the event whats the point for us to continue playing?... we cant progess in this event.
  3. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Increase spawn rate
    Decrease damage npc's do
    Add useful items to the shop (wb0,wb2 recipe)
    Why do all ships give lots of exp? (useless)
    Make new ammo buyable
    Stop spending all your time on payment packs
  4. Hell_Shadow

    Hell_Shadow Forum Greenhorn

    where can i find the new ammo type? i cant seem to find it
  5. Neophyte

    Neophyte Forum Apprentice

    Not enough ships, u need to shoot to many to get an admiral out, very hard to tank them and it seems that the quests r also very hard to do. very very poor event.
  6. ahaha

    ahaha Forum Apprentice

    The soul rewards from the NPC is extremely poor. 5 mil hp for 1 cursed soul?
  7. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Thank you all for your feedback, we shall pass this along.

    The new ammunition can only be gained through Daily Quests.

  8. Snakebw

    Snakebw Forum Apprentice

    Need a hotfix on this event , barely small ships on the map and the big ships are nowhere to be seen.
    Your 'sale away' packs and buccaneers bounty can't even save this event.
    Patch this or just stop the event. Developers are incapable *Edit*.
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 18, 2021
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  9. yingyuexuexi

    yingyuexuexi Forum Greenhorn

    Isn't a event for 15th anniversary ?
    Is that designer got so drunk to set npc's damage number?
    Didn't the game supposed to make player happy? what that NPC huge dmage for ?? you guys have the order reversed
    The only result you guy keep acting like this is most of players afk. when the online player keep droping everyting is meaningless.
    player will put money in when they fell happy an make progress.Not suffering set back and feel weak. So do not desperate try to be money graber and make everyting sucks.
    After take one shoot to the NPC to take damage from it .Then i know seafight gonna be doomed because of the terrible designer .
    If seafight designer keep acting like a mindless money worshiper .I gonna quit like everyone else.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  10. BitterBlueberry

    BitterBlueberry Forum Greenhorn

    It is incredible that BP make this event so badly (difficult to tank npcs and poor reward form it). Not mention that poor npc spawn rate.
    I wonder if there is any possible someone in the developer team are sabotage deliberate to push player away ?
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  11. rip9999

    rip9999 Someday Author

    this event is supposed to be celebrating 15 years of this game didnt realise it was in fact april fools very poor
  12. Neophyte

    Neophyte Forum Apprentice

    and how do u do the daily quests lol ? wait all day every1 is stuck and waiting for the queen to spawn. Stupid event.
  13. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    I just came back to the game a month ago, finished all my yulong slots and was pumped for the birthday event. Looking forward to the upcoming 15th Birthday Event, I thought it would be an amazing event. But this is what you give us? I'm not even mad, Just disappointed you would give us such a terrible event. I was going to buy a bunch of packs for high level breakers but now I'm not so sure.. Very, very disappointing....
  14. Where are the chest keys???
  15. Sorry BP but your birthday event sucks!!! I hope you didn't spend too much on the festivities!
  16. Serachi™

    Serachi™ Forum Apprentice

    I cant find the black market in the in game shop, am i missing something or what?
  17. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Connoisseur

    This event is a big joke, no new ammo, i did all the quest, and no ammo, good job Bp, this turned out to be a worthless 3 hrs of my life, tell whomever my 6 yrs can fix the game if you need help,and blah blah blah thats all we ever hear
    Rabbid and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  18. Xenoverse

    Xenoverse Padavan

    The sigma pre-sale is trash, im almost positive that no one will get those, wishing for better and more interesting packs/content on the 21st...
    Rabbid and Tylersgma1999 like this.
  19. Just tried to do the first quest and much to my surprise I can't do it because I have no keys. Another event that those of us who don't pay only get to partially participate in. Will not be able to do any quests or collect chests. Thanks for the birthday celebration BP!!!
  20. abah2

    abah2 Active Author

    You can buy event keys on the market under the Atlantis tab. I've bought about 200 of them so far without any trouble.
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