Patchday Notes 2021

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Shelby1, Jan 6, 2021.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We will have a sync today:

    Event: We have prepared the upcoming “Atlantis – Terror from the Deep” event, which will start on Thursday at 12 noon (more info will follow).
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We will have a sync soon.

    We have fixed the issue that the wrong emblems are needed for the Group map (Magical instead of Ancient)
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We will have another sync today:
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: Points for sinking a BOSS on the group map didn´t count for all players on the Group map (just for one). – FIXED
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have added ranking points to the event ships: Atlantean Destroyer and Victory Cake.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have increased the spawn rate of the event ships.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have decreased the required admiral spawn points.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have increased the damage of Confetti ammunition against Deep-Sea Lurker, Tide Weaver and Sunken Queen.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have decreased the cannon damage of Sunken Queen and increased the cannon damage of Victory Cake.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have increased the loot of Atlantean Destroyer.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have increased the Quest rewards of the “Depth Charge daily quests”.
    • Atlantis Terror from the Deep: We have reworked some in-game shop packages.
    LittleButterfly likes this.
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    There was a patch/ sync on Tuesday, 23rd March.

    Here is the patch notes:

    Quests – Possible quest rewards are not shown as save reward anymore but as possible reward.
    Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – We have fixed an issue with the group map event ship “Leviathan 003”
    Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – We have increased the chance to get Ancient emblems from Deep-Sea Lurker and the amount
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Another sync/ patch is coming:
    • Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – We have reworked the daily event quest: “Dead in the Water”.
      • We have removed the condition that the previous quest has to be done before the quest can be accepted.
      • We have decreased the damage which has to be done to 40,000,000 (was 50,000,000).
      • We have added Radiant souls and 1 Worldbreaker cannon level 1 to the quest rewards.
    • Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – We have increased the loot for Deep-Sea Lurker (more Cursed Souls).
    • Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – We have decreased Hit chance of the event ship Sunken Queen.
    • Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – Bug fix: We have fixed the reward for the event ship XT-001 Leviathan on normal maps.
    • Bug fix: Some players could not open the quest window/ accept quest (game freeze) – FIXED
    The*Defiant and BOMBER890 like this.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    After the sync
    • Atlantis - Terror of the Deep – We´ve decreased the reload speed de-buffs in the group map.
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Another sync/ patch will follow today
    • FIX : Issue with monthly login issue.
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Another sync/ patch is coming.

    Event: We´ve prepared the upcoming Anne Bunny event
  9. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We will have a sync tomorrow:

    • Update: Almahareen 2 region (new levels, new maps, new quests and more)
    Your Seafight Team
  10. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We are syncing once again to fix the quest issue.
  11. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    There will be another sync soon:

    We have increased the spawn amount of Gilded Lion and decreased the spawn time.
  12. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    There is a sync shortly:

    We have added the missing description for the Azurite Battleship
  13. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We executed a script yesterday evening.

    Some players received the rewards for one milestone every time when they have logged in (and some did it very often ), these items have been removed by this script.
    DIAL~911, DIAL-911 and been-there-too like this.
  14. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Another sync/ patch is coming:

    Bug fix: Players who have been sunken by the Sandstorm in the new region were teleported to the wrong Safe Haven – FIXED
    Bug fix: Players with level > 45 couldn´t accept some daily quests – FIXED
    Bug fix: Some trophies didn´t work for the new region – FIXED
  15. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We are syncing right now.

    We have pre-pared the upcoming Magellan´s Uprising event which will start next week (more info will follow)
  16. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are syncing right now:

    1. Bug fix: It was not possible to enter the Kraken map – FIXED
    2. Bug fix: Some payment packages content haven been booked more than one time – FIXED
      • We will remove the items which have been booked too much soon.
    Your Seafight Team
  17. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Today we had two sync's with the following changes:
    • Preparation – We´ve prepared the upcoming 6th season
    • Bug fix - We´ve fixed an issue which caused “huge damage”
    • Seafight Client – We´ve updated the Seafight Client: All players who download the Client from now on will have the “Unity version” instead of Flash
    • Preparation - We have prepared for the Witchnight Event (more info soon)
    The*Defiant likes this.
  18. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We have to sync today

    This is to prevent further server issues
  19. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    There is another sync coming,

    Bug: We have fixed the “Cannon exploit” (players could add more Cannons/ extensions then they should). FIXED
  20. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We´ve just synced:

    Event: We´ve prepared the upcoming “Mothers Day” event