Feedback Debuff for Bot Using

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Seren, Jul 20, 2021.

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  1. Andy94

    Andy94 Forum Apprentice

  2. -*AndromedA*-

    -*AndromedA*- Forum Greenhorn

    Today we’re going to book a debuff to the affected player accounts which will be effective for 3 days.

    I received 14 days. For the first time I receive a sentence, please someone explain why my sentence is 14 days.
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Just because 3 days was given at that period does not mean that all future issuings of the Gotcha! debuff would also be for 3 days, the duration this buff is at the Seafight Teams discretion.

    Of course, the easiest way to not receive the debuff is to not use any external program, then neither 3 nor 14 days would be issued.

  4. -*AndromedA*-

    -*AndromedA*- Forum Greenhorn

    who gives the punishments? Script or moderator?
    Who decides for how many days to be your punishment, and on top of what criteria?
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2021
  5. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Duke

    Why on earth ask those questions???Stop cheating!!!!!!!!!:mad::confused::eek:o_O:D

    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    dont ban them delete all accounts that cheat.
  7. war-dog

    war-dog Junior Expert

    i play since the ship had 105 cannon and almost imposible finish the blue bonus map! back there for make your ship full strong was about 100 euros at mega happy hour!!! the moment they put decks, castells , skill trees, trophys , ( MISSIONS ) ,new cannons , more new cannons , extensions the game finish!! they put the season and you can take for free some good items from there, but how many hours you need for the missions?? billions of hour to play and complete, who can play so long and so many hours per day? now you want more than 3.000 euros and countless hours to play for lvl up and get trophys if you want to start new acc ( IF THEY BAN ALL THE CHEATERS)! if they ban the accounts you guys think they start new acc? from the 1000 players maybe the 30 or less cause they have money but imagine the 50 lvl maps will be empty, so soon that 30 players will stop it too!! So, they can warning the cheaters and maybe some punishment but if they really perma ban that acc then no one will be start new!!
    many other who dont use cheat will be stop it cause they will not have enemys or friends in the game!!
    many people feel so unjustice cause cheaters get npc or they take advance for everything but what happen if they ban them? i already spoke about that!
    So the game or the company or the admins , cant perma ban accounts cause they will lost moneys!!!
    thank you for your time!
    Maceel likes this.
  8. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    try man soooo try. I remember when I had 10m gold and I was afraid of getting in the map so no one will board me and waiting to bid for elite deck on the market, now I have 10 bilion gold and I give 0 chickens for that gold. Those days were golden days for seafight, now even pearls are useless for me when I have max everything, and I can spend then only for ammo.
    war-dog likes this.
  9. war-dog

    war-dog Junior Expert

    agree!! all of us afraid these days if our gold was some millions!
    now yes! we have millions of pirates or everything from gold or even hollow bullets!! pearls! millions of pearls with millions of bullets and the funny is they still continue put packets with not even 1 million bullet with euros! and no one buy these packets!
    but the problem is other
    no one must get nervus if the cheats get the npc or have more items , this problem is fault from the company first and the players second! and now is too late for fix the game like old days! the only 1 thing we can do is continue play the game with the cheaters and enjoy the fun-friends and the wars-enemys !!!!
  10. This thread gets funnier and funnier...How on earth can a player basically admit that they are cheating and complain about the punishment? "Judge, I just hit the policeman over the head a few times and sprayed him with bear spray after tazing him....but this jail bed is really uncomfortable and food is crap!". A bunch of entitled people....that is what it comes down too. It is obvious that BP cannot afford to simply ban the cheaters, but rather than giving them a debuff, why not take away their awards in the monthly points, rift map, and events. If BP can invent a 'bot detecter' algorithm, they obviously know who is running them....why not let the honest players have a fair shot at the game rewards? Since the debuff rollout, I think I have seen, maybe, 5 players with the debuff and I KNOW there are many, many players running bots. It does not make sense to ban players, since, as many players have pointed out, half of the players would be out of the game. Sinking bots still gives BP, so it has some, if pathetic, advantage. It is just a shame that they are able to rob honest players of any hope to get the game rewards.
  11. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    sinking bots is fine but we can't tell other players who they are so everyone can sink them
  12. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    we can argue all day who is honest, who is using or not using bot. but the truth is sf will never be the same like 10 years ago.
    and bp kinda push players to use bot when they become more pay to play or as many said MONEYFIGHT.
    Loki1621 likes this.
  13. *Edit* Seabot and Botfight are some other names that apply to the more recent game... I started playing 12 years ago and there were always some issues, but you are right, the game will never be the same. I quit for over 6 years and began again just before Corona virus so I have had more time to play. It is still better than many other online games in my opinion.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2021
  14. war-dog

    war-dog Junior Expert

    if you have the money yes! you can play , enjoy the fish with friends and make wars with fun! i stop it too many times and not only 1 time but many even if this is 6 months or 2 years last quit from the game was 7 months and guess what happen! bastion cannon lvl 4 worldbreaker lvl 6 more lvl the extenasions more missions for more cannons so basicaly 1 or 2 per year you need 700 euros if you want to stay at top lvl if you not month per month you will be able to dunk only npc (not event)
    the problem here is the bot! and the moment the game go to pay to win!! i start to play when im was 14yo now im 27! i really dont know if i want to continue the game, just i feel sorry for the money i put on this ship and i cant just forget the game so easy!! if i quit permanently the game maybe i regret my choice!!!
  15. I quit worrying about being a top level player just for that reason... with each merger, my rank fell and if I don't play 24/7 I cannot level up. Now I just farm, get sunk by stronger players, and sink the weaker ones. LoL. I never even think about getting rewards because I cannot compete with bots. I still spend some $, but not on the level I once did. I still find the game entertaining...and while I get very frustrated with the $$$$$$$$ attitude of the owners, I understand it and will keep playing for the time being. I gave up worrying about bots....nothing will be done about them....we all know that. The same for creating new things to's been going on for years and years.
    war-dog, Loki162 and *Wonder* like this.
  16. war-dog

    war-dog Junior Expert

    i agree so much!!! for me after 1 month of play i think about stop it again! it is boring now!! :S
  17. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I remember one person posted in this Forum - years ago - an exceptionally funny picture he had made. I think he labeled it something like "The Future of Seafight". He had one Seafight ship shooting like 10 volleys (all at once) hitting like 100k each (tells you how long ago that was) and the boat had like 6 different sets of shields! I think that person must have been psychic, and it's funny that, indeed - just in a different way - it has happened!
  18. LoL ... I have met some hilarious people in this game...sounds like you found one of them. I keep thinking 'the developers' will run out of ideas for ship extensions, new cannon, etc...but no...they are infinitely creative when it comes to new ways to make us feel like we need to keep up with the Jones'. Do you remember when you first hit above 100k? I remember farming for gold in 1 map and feeling very satisfied when I got the lvl 10 skin.
  19. Maceel

    Maceel Active Author

    I remember before (9-11 years ago ) there was a script for range and one guy was sitting in island on map 20 and shooting everybody that change to that map, and I was like *Edit* I must be blind where is that guy .
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 5, 2021
  20. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Ha-ha! Your comments reminded me of the time I was under the Light of Tortuga watching a player (and I remember his boat name too) hitting over 7,000 with hollows while shooting an NPC. Boy - did I envy that!
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