
Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by baronvonrat, Aug 10, 2022.

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  1. baronvonrat

    baronvonrat Junior Expert

    Whilst this is a free to play game it is some what reliant on some players to put money into the game so others can play for free. Having run my own business for many years and having qualifications in retail and business its all about making the products you are selling attractive as possible to the customer. It is much better to sell thousands of your products or services to the many at a lower price than at a higher price to a few. Also its important you update and review your said products to check they are still relevant and worthwhile. BP is missing a trick on these fronts trying to squeeze as much money out of players instead of pricing much lower and making it very attractive to spend to keep the game going. Its not rocket science and BP do listen but greed is in the driving seat and has been for a few years. It is why the bot coders are so successful and forcing legitimate players to walk away from the game. The world is in a big economic down turn due to Covid and now the war in Ukraine. Please BP slash the prices of the packages, to keep the game going as I love it like so many others, make it as cheap for every one not just for one or 2 country's.
  2. Bat_sali84

    Bat_sali84 Forum Greenhorn

    Yes is only for few country is cheap and that why they have so many players from this cointry. If pakages is lower like this few country for example( Türkiye ) i i will buy it but now is in my country priceis x4 from Türkiye.
    phatty-Boastrike likes this.
  3. [유]nєdєяlandєn

    [유]nєdєяlandєn Someday Author

    Sorry but you are talking to a concrete WALL, i played on the global 1 , played well against the others, but now against low payment poor players..... BP recked my game, so thxs alot but NOT
    phatty-Boastrike likes this.
  4. phatty-Boastrike

    phatty-Boastrike Junior Expert

    Aaarrgghh! pirate lives matter! argh! Ye should socially shame BP, or BP offices in germanylandia... ahoy lets do it!?! to the ship! <chanting> PLM, PLM, PLM!!! (pirate lives matter)
  5. The_Perseph0ne

    The_Perseph0ne Advanced

    Chinese games and media publisher Youzu Interactive acquires Bigpoint who owns this now not germany
  6. The_Perseph0ne

    The_Perseph0ne Advanced

    why prices went up ty china as always

    LADYWAR Someday Author

    It would be nice if they heard this. But we have all posted this at one point. And I am so sad every time I add on to find it fall on deaf ears at BP.

    This was an issue always, but it got a lot worse when they started merging servers. Now we have hoards of players with lower payments, and guess what? They buy every package the maximum amount of times because a USD $79.99 package for me, is only ~$30-$40 for them..

    It is the reason I take advantage of events so heavily now. I run level 3 trainers, and a level 3 sellsword. all free. I use the borders to jump back and forth to sink players who buy everything lol

    Especially with the damage, reload, and dodge you can achieve if you buy everything many times, it makes the gap between payment players and free players much larger.

    I do not mind spending money on my enjoyment and seafight is only unreasonable because it is a very low-budget, online game. How can it cost so much to play such a simple game. We should get back to having fun for little to no money. The enjoyment in the game might come back.
  8. baronvonrat

    baronvonrat Junior Expert

    Many players feel the same way big point the packages are to expensive and we would not feel so aggrieved if it was the same for every one but its not. Please take note Big Point and for those that agree with my original post, please post a like. The more that agree the more pressure is on BP to act, also for those that are fighting our corner are there are a few we can keep this very good simple game going.
  9. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    whoa! this game is made in china now?!? this blows!
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