Feedback Seaside Squad

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Sep 18, 2023.

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  1. oguz2oguz

    oguz2oguz Forum Apprentice

    is it even possible to get an outstanding result in the mini games
    The*Defiant likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy oguz2oguz!

    Yes it is.

    Ogygia - use Plato Coin when entering this mini game
    Kraken's Lagoon - defeat krakens in this order, Left Right Top

  3. oguz2oguz

    oguz2oguz Forum Apprentice

    ill try that again i guess but i have tried it that way and never get outstanding result only perfect or excellent

    yeah doing kraken left right then top gets you an excellent finish not outstanding same with using plato coin in the ogygia one could it be that the outstanding result is acthully listed as an excellent result as i get the guerenteed rewards like its an outstanding result but it says its a excellent result and not outstanding
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 22, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This minigame is messed up. Several "top-tier" players on my Server have times of less than one minute! (One guy has 42 seconds). I tried it using a Solon coin and just shot the Boss NPC without using Undine or help, and had a time of 1:26. But that was only "acceptable" and did not make the rankings <--(which makes sense to me). Do you have to have an "outstanding finish" to make the rankings? And how can anyone make a time under a minute when shooting off 12- million hit points and using Undine (as the FAQs say)????

    Suggestion: In future events, either do not have heartbreaker ammo do more damage, or offer an alternative (like you did with Aqua ammo previously). The infatuation buff makes us chase the NPCs constantly and we lose them in the islands.
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 22, 2023
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The*Defiant!

    Only "perfect" outcome goes towards the event rankings - it was like that for good few years.

    If you think that someone cheated forward their ID to Support.

  6. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    The number of cheaters would be well in excess of ten. And it would do no good. Plus - nobody can explain how a player can take off 12 million hit points in less than one minute, given the Ogygia minigame restrictions mentioned in the FAQs. (We always get a "cop-out" answer on anything we accuse players of, even when we are 100% correct. But that's Bigpoint). Thank you.
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    You have been already informed on multiple occasions - if you notice any kind of suspicious behaviour please contact Support.

    This thread has been designed to gather player feedback regarding the event - not complaints about cheats.

    12 000 000 damage : 650 000 damage per hit * 1.5 sec reload = ~27 seconds

  8. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I answered your question, mate! Please do not preach to me like I am an idiot! My answer to your comment involved the number of "suspected players" I would have to report! It isn't my fault this game is rife with cheaters.

    Maybe I should just give up on asking you any more questions. Jeepers! I can do math and realize that the fastest reload time is 1.5 seconds. I mentioned that "given the restrictions" (i.e., Undine) that you typed in the minigame FAQs, it would not be possible legitimately!!! The Event Rules: A player cannot achieve a "perfect result" and thus get into the rankings while using a helper or helpers! And you have to use a helper to be able to hit the Boss NPC for a full volley of normal damage! Not using a helper means you hit for only a tiny fraction of your normal damage. It will take you a long time to ever hope to sink the Boss NPC. How can any player get a perfect result not using a helper or helpers, and hit the Boss NPC for full damage and bypass using the Undine NPC? Please tell me how this can be done!!!
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  9. oguz2oguz

    oguz2oguz Forum Apprentice

    defiant you can use the siren to help take the tenticules out around the cyclops and still get a perfect result as long as you didnt use a coin to get an additional helper but how ever i do agree that even with the use of the siren its impossible to do it in the time people are getting because if you dont shoot the tenticules and just shoot the cylpso you do like 30k damage if that

    how ever i just went into a mini game and the calypso didnt even spawn for the first 10 seconds lol
    Last edited by moderator: Sep 23, 2023
    -PUSAT- and The*Defiant like this.
  10. Forum Apprentice

    make your voice sound sweet and call her :D otherwise she is afraid
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thanks mate. I had previously tried, and was hitting only a few thousand off of the Boss NPC after sailing straight to it and attacking it. I see no way that it can be done legitimately in under one minute. If so, I would like to know how. (On my server, the latest top ranking is now at 31 seconds).
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
  12. -BigBadWolf-

    -BigBadWolf- Someday Author

    Oh my, you need to stop accusing everyone of cheating and stop being rude to the mods. As far as being able to do it under minute, it is relatively easy. I did it this morning. I did have the arsenal. But ..... I assume you are aware that there are players with the league buff and the rift map buff that gives extra cannons. I assume you are aware there are genie buffs like the arsenal and armory that also give extra cannons. I assume you realize that the Undine appears in the mini game at random spots in the map and where it shows up has a huge impact on your time (this morning it appeared on a tentacle and I did not have to shoot the undine to move it). I assume you figured out that hailstorms have a big impact on the damage you do to the Calypso since when the tentacles are up it has such high defense. I assume you figured out you can run storm lanterns since the npcs don't hit that hard in the mini map and do more damage. I assume you were running an hour glass or sands of time. I didn't try and see if changing a gem to a critical damage gem would help or if changing my ship special gem to the moonstone would have a benefit, but it might. I assume you were using bloodlust and recklessness. With no arsenal , hailstorms on, storm lanterns, no hour glass or sands of time, and ONLY 1 tentacle destroyed I can do just under 600k per shot to the Calypso and oh yeah my reload is sadly 1.8. So yeah under a minute can EASILY be done if you have a really good boat.
  13. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I accuse players of cheating because they do cheat. And in *massive* proportions. You know this....(remember players that bot scrolls)?????? And your Guild co-leader showed me a bot template in our TS long ago (as you will recall)! So your criticism of this has no merit. But thank you for your insights. P.S. And please don't use caps.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
    djt182, Dzinn and -PUSAT- like this.
  14. m0zilla

    m0zilla Forum Apprentice

  15. how to perfect result for kraken mini map ?
  16. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    I have a question, they said that they have increased the event chest and shipwrecks but i dont see the difference.....and i have been to 3 different maps and it seems like its less... did i miss something?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. SeaWolf[BG]

    SeaWolf[BG] Someday Author

    I don't see where gained my reputation. And can't get radiant souls from Zenith Zeppelin .
    The*Defiant likes this.
  18. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Wasn't there supposed to be a new line of quests for the second phase? I've checked all the quest givers and there is nothing but the daily from the first line.

    EDIT: After I finished the line 1 daily, I was able to start line 2 (from Rex).
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  19. SeaWolf[BG]

    SeaWolf[BG] Someday Author

    Kraken Lagoon - right order is defeat first right, then left and finaly top kraken.
  20. Dzinn

    Dzinn Forum Apprentice

    You had my "like" ;)

    Also your suggestion; except that my aqua ammo had the same inflict as heartbreaker, so what was the real difference?
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