Feedback Exploit Debuffs

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by USS_Defender(CAG-01), Jan 19, 2024.

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  1. USS_Defender(CAG-01)

    USS_Defender(CAG-01) Exceptional Talent

    The concept of the Exploit Debuffs is understandable. But there is little incentive to cease the usage of Exploits, since the Exploits far and away exceed the Debuff. Consideration should be given to starting at the Level 4 Debuff and reducing it over time, provided the Exploit user ceases the utilization of Exploits/Hacking and Cracking.
  2. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This is an excellent suggestion!:)
  3. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    Hi captain popeye (uss defender), I suggested such actions way back in the day (circa 2016)!! as i got back into this game it was so obvious that scripts were the daily normal on this game. nothing new, however scripts have been run since i started playing in 2008 but at least the developers had more clear signs as to who and when scripts were being employed, fast forward to now and its my belief that new developers simply are not enforcing any actions to contra mand or there is an allowance of said techniques into the fabric of the game. my suggestion back then was the same as today, just ban those accounts outright! my general feedback is this game is much like swiss cheese, there are open holes aka flaws all over, and the cheaters have very little more than a slap on the hand to fear. I simply sail my lame boat to pass the time but its not as fun as it was at one point. when i was in guilds it was an honor to fight and play, now the biggest honor is running scripts and amassing incredible credits before BP shakes you down for a month or two, then lets you go out and do it all over again and again... argh!

    ☠FIREBALL☠ Advanced

    Keep the hot air coming need it for the balloons, the scripts will only stop when the game shuts down.
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    It is still better to voice one's protest, than to remain silent. (Silence = complacency).
  6. Let's see what they say in their "terms and conditions" about these things... I'll just leave this here... ;)

    8.3 Termination on serious grounds

    8.3.1 The mutual right of the parties to terminate the contract at any time on serious grounds shall remain unaffected by the above provisions.
    8.3.2 If Bigpoint is responsible for the extraordinary termination of the contractual agreement, the User will receive a pro rata refund for any payments made by them for the respective time-limited Services, if applicable, (for time-limited Premium Features in particular) which apply to the period after the termination becomes effective. Further claims of the User shall be excluded unless otherwise specified in these Terms and Conditions.
    Bigpoint has the right to terminate the contractual agreement on serious grounds and to permanently block the User’s access to the Services in particular for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
    • If the User is late in paying charges of at least EUR 5.00 and has not paid despite having received two reminders.
    • If the User knowingly violates any laws Game rules and/or rules governing the use of the Services and does not desist, despite having received a warning. A warning is not required in the event of a serious offence where it would be unreasonable to expect Bigpoint to remain bound by the contract.
    • If the User has not used their Account for a period of four weeks despite having received a reminder from Bigpoint.
    Cases in which it would be unreasonable to expect Bigpoint to remain bound by the contractual agreement generally include the following:
    • If the User violates criminal law.
    • If the User violates the prohibition of multiple Accounts which may be stipulated in the respective Game rules (see section 1.2 above).
    • If the User violates the prohibition of pushing (see section 1.2 above).
    • If the User violates the prohibition of non-authorised scripts and/or the prohibition on the systematic or automatic control of Games and/or the prohibition on reproduction, analysis of or modification to the Games, the Game elements or the content within the scope of the Services (see section 1.2 above).
    • If the User violates the prohibition on exploiting programming errors (bugs) (see section 1.2)
    • If the User violates the prohibition on the use of anonymiser services (see section 1.2)
    If the User deliberately provides false information when registering (registration form for a User application, see section 2 above) or when paying for Premium Features (see section 7.1).

    As we can clearly see it, they are strictly sticking to the terms and conditions, so nothings wrong here... :D

    I suggest all of you mates to be patient, maybe the 25,897th scar debuff will be effective!:p:cool:

    (I don't know how many more chances they will get, but since they are still botting after the 3rd scar debuff, they will be getting a 4th one... 5th one, 6th one... 25,897th one, and so on...:D)

    Just be patient, mates! :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
  7. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Since this is the truth - and we know what happens to posts related to that - I want to quickly mention this (invisible) Addendum to the Terms of Service: "We reserve the right to *not* enforce the TOS if, in our judgment, the suspected cheater is a "playa" and spends enough money with us that, we, as a business entity, determine their value as a profitable customer to be high enough that we would lose income from terminating their account".
    -PUSAT-, m0zilla, Bawdyn and 3 others like this.
  8. It doesn't matter what happens with posts like this, or if I get sent away for a "vacation", I don't care. As I said earlier, I'm on my fellow players side. In order to argue about the rules, you gotta know the rules first, so you can't be fooled and lied to.

    The best way to attack them is with their own "rules", that's why I always refer to the terms and conditions. I would be deeply ashamed of myself, if I would work for a company like this and it's the same thing why in my eyes the mods and admins are the absolute lowest, they know exactly what they are doing, and they are more than happy to do it so!

    Taking part in their practices and protecting them from their players absolute rightful anger! Regardless, I'm entitled to my opinion and it's not against the rules to criticize them, so I don't care.
  9. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Duke

    Any and I mean any player now at days gets a so called debuff ,blue,red,purple,yellow or whatever, does matter.They still can sail fast,shoot fast and hard.Only seen blue that help a little.So what on earth is the point giving them a so called punishment? Friends of you or what????
    And how many times they can get it? Seem several gets this and still in the game and not completely banned forever. What are you scared of?? This time I will not listen the this moderator Rymar.
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Thank you for your feedback, we shall forward it onto appropriate party.


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