Event keys only give 1 gold coin

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by benton94, Jun 6, 2024.

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  1. benton94

    benton94 Forum Greenhorn

    I purchased 250 event keys for $15 USD & all i get from this event is 1 Gold coin from event chests. I don’t get any pearls or ammo when i kill npc ships that are part of the event… Doesn’t matter if i kill the entire npc by myself or if i do over 2% damage. All i get is a kill in my log book no reward no nothing… Wasted over 180k pearl flare ammo…

    May i have a refund on my keys please? You may keep the 247 event keys and take the 3 gold coins out of the hundreds of millions of gold coins that i have.

    Also got ban from chat without warning for some unknown reason maybe you could fix that too?

    user ID:
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2024
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy benton94!

    Regarding any payment queries you must contact Support.

    The reason why you do not get loot is quite simple, you do not own event points.

    You can obtain event points from the event quests, so just do one and you will be alright (same for NPCs you also need event points to get rewards).

    Regarding your Chat ban, we wont discuss that with you publicly, if you would like to know the reason of your ban please create a post in
    Chat Section where our Chat Moderators can assist you with your query.

    benton94 likes this.
  3. benton94

    benton94 Forum Greenhorn

    2024-06-06You've used a(n) Agwe Amulet.
    You sank The 11th Ship's ship.
    1x Skyfire was/were removed. Reason: Used.
    You opened a locked chest.
    You received 1 x Gold.
    1x Event key was/were removed. Reason: Chest opened.


    Heres a clip from the game play of getting absolutely nothing from a npc event kill. I did all 7,500,000 million damage to the npc by myself.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 7, 2024
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    As stated previously you need EVENT POINTS to gain anything from the event.

    No event points = no rewards from chests / NPCs

    In order to obtain event points finish at least 1 event quests - all event quest givers can be found within the SH / DH.

    benton94 likes this.
  5. benton94

    benton94 Forum Greenhorn

    I didn’t understand what you meant by event points when you first told me. I read the entire event article and it didn’t say anything about needing to do a quest before getting rewards from chests etc. I’ll get it done now that i know that is the issue. Thank you!
  6. ☺☆DarKSouL☆☺₩ΛŁ

    ☺☆DarKSouL☆☺₩ΛŁ Forum Greenhorn


    1. No swearing
    2. Do not hijack your fellow pirate threads
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 8, 2024
  7. benton94

    benton94 Forum Greenhorn

    Atleast they fixed the black Market :D
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further queries from the OP I will close this thread.


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