
Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Aug 17, 2024.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    I think the submarine project has gone way too far and out of control. How you almost do it so that our "normal ships" are condemned in compare. Submarines have the upper hand against normal ships, it's no use putting thousands of euros even if we want to surpass subs more.

    You changed the tortugas, so that when they give us more hp, before we were invisible when we used them, you have given this advantage to the sub but we on normal ship sit there as mupps. In the way that they can go invisible, pop out, stun us and lock us up, while they are set up like tanks, we stand there like breadheads, who can alomost only sit and watch.

    Because there is nothing on our ships you have created that is meant to have a defense against subs other than these insignificant remove 1 breaches and somehow useless mine. The cooldown on inya / unstoppable was reduced considerably, it doesn't have anywhere near the same value anymore. We only use it because there are so many effects freeze, stun heartammo, smokebomb sub effect all at the same time.

    I understand that you don't think about changing submarines, and that's perfectly fine, those who like them should of course be allowed to, but you should give us who are totally against them and who are only on Atlantis because Bigpoint force us to with assignments and to benefit from certain advantages e defence of some kinds......

    It will be completely wrong for a 2-year part muppethead project to surpass the original game from 2008 in which we have invested several thousand euros in.

    I feel it is a mockery of us who have played seafight for many years and who still leave a lot of money for this company. Give us an equal advantage to play our normal ships as sub, give us longer distance, some defense, gems that reduce / remove sub effects, give us a new inya that works extra well against sub. I am open to the fact that it will cost money even, as long as you don't bury our ships with alien submarines

    Greetings from an very unsatisfied customer......
  2. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    I agree submarines have no place in a pirate game and atlantis should be a separate game
    Dream~Crusher and Bawdyn like this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Thank you for your feedback, we will forward it onto the appropriate party.


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