test help 54-55

Discussion in 'New Pirate Tutorials' started by ..¨Zerب.., Sep 25, 2024.

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  1. ..¨Zerب..

    ..¨Zerب.. Forum Apprentice

    would anyone like to help take damage from a splinterskull exterminator for me
    146/12505143 USA west which I now believe is global EU. I don't think I'll ever be able to complete this alone.
    or better yet someone can help me configure how I get npc's to hit at such low damage rates.
    I'm a 15-year player but still a noob :):):)
    Thanks in advance and happy sailing to all. ( help or not )
  2. õWler

    õWler Junior Expert

    what setup u use ( ship extension ) well i recommended use commonwealth guardian if u wanna tank the admiral then
    ..¨Zerب.. likes this.
  3. ..¨Zerب..

    ..¨Zerب.. Forum Apprentice

    yeah, I have recently tried to figure out how to take less damage per shot. the exterminator only hits for 20k but it's a continuous hit lol.
    I am also trying to figure out how to post a screenshot of my setup here but again I have proven I'm a noob lol
  4. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    a late reply... what ever setup you have it appears to still do the same damage
    if lots of ships are shooting it appears to take turns of which ship it shoots, this reduces your chance of getting the kill
    common solution is you have 1 or 2 ships repairing you, though this takes a while
    ..¨Zerب.. likes this.