Core question

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Tergrinder, Oct 11, 2024.

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  1. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    Rymar, you had said it only takes gold to make cores, but in crafting level one 55s, I'm required to spend one crystal per cannon crafted. Is this supposed to be like this? I just made 5 starjute cores, but had to spend 5000 crystals to get enough shards to do it. This is pretty expensive mate :) At this rate it will cost me 280,000 crystals...
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    You are not supposed to craft any of lvl 1 2 3 etc., if you wish to obtain such cores your task is to create 55s and simply destroy them straight away.

    Once again:

    Craft 55s -> Destroy 55s -> Craft 60s -> Destroy 60s -> Craft Admirals -> Destroy Admirals -> Craft Starjute Core

    Hope that helps.

    piranhahunter likes this.
  3. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    Oh wow! Here I was going through ALL the levels. Now I feel like a true dunderhead, lol. Thanks for the tip Rymar, and sorry for all the questions. Be well :)
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    Definitively lesson learned! :D

    If you have any further question don't hesitate to create a new thread, as this query has been answered I will now close.

    Happy Sailing!


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