Screen Went Crazy.

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Dream~Crusher, Oct 13, 2024.

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  1. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    I took off the scroll bars to shoot an npc, and put them back on. Everything went to like 500% size (see open quests in top right corner), and my toolbars (all 4 of them) just vanished. It's very frustrating! I tried logging out and back in, and yet the problem remains.

  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    You must have pressed on the Scale UI bar found within the game options which increased your game UI size.

    You can change it back by going to Options -> Graphics -> Scale UI

    Please let us know if you manage to resolve your issue.

  3. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    I absolutely did not touch the Scale UI bar. I logged back in later, and it had reverted back to normal. Had I touched the Scale UI bar, it would have stayed too large, would it have not? It was a game problem, not a user problem.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Yes, if you did changed your UI Scaling then it should remain on the same spot.

    Since your issue has been resolved I will close this thread.


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