Players with New Boats.

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Dream~Crusher, Oct 14, 2024 at 4:19 AM.

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  1. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Inhabitant

    Just for the record: my main boat has played for a very long time. I fight with armor, super armor, lion's bulwarks, aventurine gem, layered armour (which costs money), and use dragon powders, very strong cannons (and a lot of them, including the genies armory which recently put me at 716 cannons), sands of time, storm lanterns, unobtainium chains, etc., and I still get smoked by new boats with ids in the 41 million+ arena. This is why the game stinks so badly. I know there is no way every player I fight has all level 6 overlords. Not every player! And the layered armour sure doesn't reduce my damage by 50%! It sometimes looks like (display-wise) I am hitting well and the fight should have been about equal. But it wasn't. These newer id boats shoot much harder and faster than they should. I know there are many components, but BP hides behind that fact to cover up the cheaters. I don't want to hear excuses as to how it might be possivble in the "Twilight Zone" to sink me legitimately, because one chance in 500 to do that doesn't make any sense. And these newer boats also pay little to no battle points. Go figure that one. There is no way those boats should be that strong being that new. it took me a very long time to have the level of quality cannons I do have. And these newer boats play with the ablative armor setup for a 4-million hit point base, yet they always are almost fully-repped. I certainly can't achieve that on my similar setup. I wish BP would fix these discrepanices. One specific case in point: I am battle point rank 37 on my main boat. So I am not a bad player at fighting. I fought a player recently, and I used everything mentioned above, including ablative plating. For part of the fighting, I had 716 cannons. I used almost 700 plates, and he sank me 62 times straight. I should have (just via random chance) came back close to him and sank him with "sails down" at least once. It never happened. (I believe he had one of these newer boat ids too, but I'm not certain). Irregardless, when players dominate me like this one did (or even get 1/3 of that number of consecutive sinks on me), it usually hints at someone using something illegal. Okay - that's my feedback.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024 at 4:51 AM
    .Kenze. likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    Here are few things that you need to be aware of:

    - It doesn't matter how long you play the game when it comes to PvP
    - It doesn't matter how much BPs you already own when it comes to PvP
    - Player ID number has nothing to do with their PvP ability
    - Overlord Cannon Level 6 is still good but it is not commonly used for PvP battles anymore

    Not every player who sunk you several times is simply a cheater.

    In many cases it is your own ship pre-set that is completely wrong which makes you an easy target.

    If you disagree with what I pointed out above you can always contact Support with anything suspicious that you've noticed.

    Let's take a different approach to your "sinking problem", if you wish I can give you some hints on how to improve your current ship setup.

    Are you interested in something like that? If so then I would require some more information on the following aspects of the game:

    - Ship gems (including special)
    - Pet gems (including special)
    - Crew members currently used (which sellsword, trainers etc.)
    - Amount (and what kind) of cannons do you use (Overlord 4 - 6, Bastion 6, Thunderbolts 0-2)
    - Castles
    - Trophies (do you have any of the unlocked?)
    - Extension items on your account (+list what you use right now)
    - Figureheads
    - Cores

    This would give you an opportunity to change your ship pre-set, to try something new (-:

    Happy Sailing!

  3. Astaroth

    Astaroth Forum Greenhorn

    Hi Rymar. Sorry if u consider this hijacking, but as @Dream~Crusher i'm not a completely noob player as i have been playing for years, but with so many new things and because i stopped playing a few times, what set up would be better for pvp, if u have enough thunder cannons to fill the slots even if they are lvl 0, or would be better to mix with overlord lvl 6, because the overlord 6 has better reload time than thunder 0 for example.
  4. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Inhabitant

    Let us be clear. Contacting Support is a lame idea, and you surely know that. I asked them once about the different debuff colors, and which color related to which specific debuff. They said they could *not* tell me. Seriously, that was the answer. Then *much later*, they posted the answer to my question in Forum. The boat ids *do* matter. A player with a low id almost always has a boat that is very well-developed for PvP. Those ids almost always pay a lot of battle points. The new id boats almost always pay very few battle points (i.e., "like "5"). Why? I'll tell you why. Because they are using an illegal script to gain an advantage. It is a fact - yes, a fact - that auto-aim (auto-targeting) can't be stopped. I watched an online developer conference where that fact was stated. No online game (at the time the video was made, which was recently), has made a patch to stop auto-aiming. And the value that using such an illegal tool gives a player is immeasurable in a PvP game where fractions of a second matter! Also, it does matter how long you have played. A new player will most likely, in a game this complex, not know how all of the various components fit. In fact, they most likely won't know all of the components! A player only has to open the Seafight Bible and peruse it to see the complexity. This game has been a cheaters paradise since 2012, which is when I started to report a lot of them. I finally recently saw one specific player who runs two boats finally with a debuff. I have reported that specific player for at least 5 years! Guess what? It did no good, despite BP telling us they can catch cheaters! And virtually every player with a debuff (with the exception of the Scar 4 debuff), can still fight like a demon in PvP. If you don't believe it, engage them on the seachart! That's why they continue to sail with it on. Because they can fight and win! Those debuffs are an ineffective joke to make it appear that BP cares about honesty! Players start new boats all of the time now, and spend very little money (if any) to be competitive. How? They yank out the script they were using that got caught (or maybe it didn't!), and make a few quick modifications, so the BP tracking software has to start all over to hunt them. I'll leave it at that. Furthermore, if you compare the stats for thunderbolt 2, overlord 6, and bastion 6 cannons, the overlords are overwhelming favorites. The breakeven for overlord 6 versus thunderbolts is around thunderbolt 3, if you extrapolate the stats. I cannot fathom how you can state that overlord 6s are not optimal for PvP. The only advantage to thunderbolt cannons are the range. That is indeed significant, but it is mainly felt when fighting auto-target ships that can weave in and out of one's target range. I lose lock, but they do not. Which is why I suggested the developers give that back to us, but they have not. Lastly, I am battle point rank 37, and know how to fight. How you can even suggest I got there without being a decent fighter, and yet got sank 62 times straight legitimately, is beyond me. Every veteran player on this game knows that an enemy boat cannot stay repped that long to get that many sinks without getting sunk at least once. I didn't just *suddenly" suck. He had to be cheating. I've seen it too many times, and especially in Atlantis. I called out one cheater, who then he criticized me in Global Chat for "being lazy" and not using a script. My buddies were blown away that he would even admit that, but he did! So let's keep this discussion real. Not everyone cheats, but for the *many* left playing this game who do, it is pretty obvious that they are! One guy gets it and gives the script for low cost (or free!) to all of his guild mates. Then, he is looked upon highly, which is a shame.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024 at 1:35 AM
    Loki162 likes this.
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    If Support, back in the day, refused to answer your question then there must have been a reason behind it.

    Once again, boat ID has nothing to do with how strong the user is - it only indicate that his / her account is a bit "younger / older" than yours.

    If ID had anything to do with the gameplay (ability to deal damage etc.) why you, old player, struggle to sink a "newbie"?

    Should you not be able to sink everyone since you are much more experienced pirate?

    If we follow that logic then I should be one of the best players as my account ID is under 15 000 on GE1 server (first server ever created), but that's not how the game works.

    I have offered my assistance to help you improve your ship, but without you willing to do so there won't be any possible improvement at all.

    Regarding the amount of BPs provided by different players this depends on many factors which are described within our Battle Points FAQ, you can find everything explained in "How it Works" part, please take a closer look ->

    As you stated you do report multiple players but not all of them are being de-buffed, let me try to explain how does this work.

    If you were reported for whatever reason would you like to be punished straight without investigation? Don't think so.

    That's why our developers are working hard on the script to detect all players who break the rules of the game -but this process require time.

    Regarding your cannons, Overlord Level 6 are much weaker when it comes to Thunderbolt Cannons.

    Please take a look at each statistics of these cannons as well as the print screens showing the damage caused on an NPC (in this example Akkorospawn):

    • Overlord L6:
      • 200 Elite Ammunition Bonus
      • 30 Range
      • 5300 Reload
      • 27% Critical hit prob.
      • 50% Critical Damage
      • 70% Elite ammunition bonus
    • Thunderbolt L2:
      • 216 Elite Ammo Bonus
      • 32 Range
      • 5300 Reload
      • 27% Critical hit prob.
      • 43% Critical Damage
      • 75% Elite Ammunition Bonus
    Thunderbolt Level 2:


    Overlord Level 6:


    As you can see Thunderbolts Level 2 are stronger than Overlord Level 6.

    Regarding your opponent quick repair, please be aware that 4 000 000 HP can be healed in just under 3-5 seconds with correct ship preset.

    If you wish to report a player you must contact Support, creating forum posts won't resolve anything.

    Ahoy Astaroth!

    When it comes to Overlord L6 and Thunderbolt L0 I would run Overlords due to the same Elite ammunition bonus and % Ammunition bonus.

    But if these were to be only Thunderbolt L1 / 2 or Overlords L6 I would go with Thunderbolts (but still keep Overlord L6 for marauder event due to 10% Battle Point bonus).

    If you have any further questions about presets please create your own thread in New Pirate Tutorials, I will be more than happy to provide you with some hints (-:

  6. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Inhabitant

    My reply in no particular order:

    1. I will reduce this down to the lowest common denominator of thinking, Rymar. Obviously, I know that a low id boat will not always be strong, and a high id (relatively newly created) boat will not always be weak. But, in the majority of instances, that is exactly what happens. I've seen it for 15 years. And it makes sense! If you have played the game religiously for 15 years, you should have a stronger boat than someone who started 3 months ago. That is obvious. But the ship id is a good indicator of relative strength. You are bound to know this, Rymar. It is common sense. It isn't perfect, but is accurate more times than not.

    2. What was the reason behind Support not answering my honest and justified question originally? Obviously, they had one, but was it valid? No - I doubt it, since a couple of months later they did a 180-degree flip. Many things are hidden from us and not disclosed. That is how this company operates this game.

    3. Regarding "quick repair": No - it is impossible to do (legitimately) that fast 62 times. Three to five seconds? Absolutely not! Let's look at that: one can use a Light of Tortuga (which has a cooldown), an Hourglass or Sands of Time (with a very long cooldown), or switch to a repair gem setup on their boat. It still takes my repair configuration ship setup a long time to rep back to 4 million hps. And I have all of the bells and whistles. High rep gem, castle, etc. So no - they can't physically rep that fast. To imply they can is very misleading.

    4. I told you how a new boat can sink a veteran. They start a new boat, throw a small amount of money on it, and use a script! (And let's address your next comment: No - not every veteran player is a good fighter, and every new player is not inherently a bad one). I am right now crossing over to battle point rank 38. That does not suggest I suck. And I am no idiot. I don't expect to sink everyone. In fact, I expect some players to smoke me. But not a new boat to do it 62 straight times! And he intentionally sought me out in battle. (I have a no-name boat in a unknown guild with 3 random letters in the tag. In other words, he didn't know me from prior battles). I see that kind of "overconfidence" almost every time in players that **know** they virtually can't be sunk. I had one cheater who chained me in Atlantis and, when another good player came to my aid, he chained both of us. My friend had a high battle point rank, too. Ninety-nine percent of the time, when you bring help, the player runs. But he did not! You suggest we both suck? Ridiculous!

    5. Lastly - I do think your offer to assist me is sincere. (But again, I've not gotten to where I am by having crummy setups). Your comment on overlord 6s being "much weaker" than thunderbolt 2s is in no way supported by either the stats you quoted, nor by the screenshots. Rymar - the difference in those two volleys is 415,666/409,045 = 101.619 x 100 = 1.62%!!! You have to be joking in making that assertion. As to my setup for battle, I use all of the tips I've learned over 15 years, plus tips you (and others) have given in previous posts where players ask about your recommendations for the best PvP and PvE setups. Plus, I use all of the other items: regular armor, super armor, lion's bulwarks, aventurine ship gem, hit probability gem, cannon damage gem, dodge gem, damage prevention gem, pet dodge gem, pet hit probability gem, dragon powders, sands of time, genie's armory/arsenal...the list goes on. But nobody has ever been able to explain how a few select players hit me for double what I hit. Nobody. And I didn't ace six collegiate-level math courses by being an idiot at math, either. So I always investigate how something can be a certain way. If you ask Support, they absolutely refuse to offer any advice on PvP. So it is challenging to figure out. The immediate and obvious answer is many players are cheating. I have - way too often - given them the benefit of the doubt. But when I see **huge** differences in the magnitude of their volleys versus mine, I have to wonder.

    I know you drink the "company Kool-Aid" and cannot agree here with me here in this forum on cheating, even if you know I am right. Obviously, there is cheating. And the weak debuffs do nothing to stop it. I just wish BP took a proactive approach (they don't, and never will) on the topic. It has buried this game. I don't play nearly as often, and I was an addict. I often played 8 to 10+ hours a day, every day. Not anymore. And just last night, I played 2 boats simultaneously. The maps were really empty. I submit to you that players have quit, are quitting, and will continue to quit mainly because of the unchecked cheating.

    And for the record Rymar, you often mistakenly try to shut us up by telling us that posting about cheating in this forum does no good. You are absolutely, 100% wrong about that! If I post about my experience with a cheater, others will benefit. When they post similarly, the exchange of ideas helps all of us. Your trying to suppress it - like happened in WWII - is what does no good!

    Thank you. You may close this thread.