Announcement Patchday Notes 2025

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Rymar, Jan 1, 2025.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Patchday Notes 2025

    Ahoy Pirates,

    As a reminder, after each and every sync/patch your cache needs to be cleared for the game to function correctly.

    If you are using the Unity Launcher you will be required to restart the Unity Launcher, to which it shall then start to update (red text will be displayed on the screen informing you of this). Once the update has completed, please completely close and open the Unity Launcher again to clear your cache.

    If you are playing on your browser, clearing your cache after a restart is all that is required. Please be aware that the Browser shall take longer to load the Seachart than the Unity Launcher, so we recommend the Unity Launcher if you are able to use that without issue.

    Failure to do the above may mean you receive a "Lost Connection" message, or if you are able to access the Seachart some of the menus may no longer work, so please ensure you do the above after each sync.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are syncing the following changes shortly.

    Bug fixes:
    • Board Players Season Achievement has been moved to the PVP tab
    • Inflict Damage on Guild Towers has been moved to the PVP tab
    • Fixed an issue with Guild Islands where they would sometimes not change guild owners correctly, leaving 0 towers on the island and disconnecting the guild members
    Your Seafight Team
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We will shortly be syncing the following.

    Bug fix:
    • Correcting the Frozen Abyss Ranking for the US Servers so rewards will be booked later tonight, and booking the EU Rewards
    Please Note: We will have a short maintenance period (about 10 minutes) along with this sync.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We have synced the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the Winter Thaw: Ragnarok event
    • We have added a Title into Tier 12 Loot 5 for those of you who complete the entire Season.
    Other Changes:
    • Increased the font size of the Quest Description in the Quest Window
    • Added a Trophy Info tab, showing you the bonuses you receive when you have a full shelf of Trophies
    • Custom Chests tab in the Shop is no longer shown when there is no Custom Chests active
    • We have increased the radius of the Glitter and Chest collection, meaning you no longer need to be on the exact square to collect them
    • We have changed the damage of Ice Ammunition from 80 to 120
    Bug fix:
    • Cancel Map Change bar would not disappear when your Map Change to the Kraken Map was cancelled - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following changes.

    • Increased the rate the Midgard Wyrm will spawn
    • Midgard Wyrm notification will now show in all maps
    • Added a Burning Ice Ammunition package that will become active when the Quest is completed
    Your Seafight Team
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Earlier today we had a sync with the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We prepared Phase 2 of the Winter Thaw event
    Event Changes:
    • Reduced the Season Winter Thaw Login requirement by 1 day
    • We have limited the amount of Treasure Ships that are able to be on the Kalyton's Retreat map at the same time to 3
    Bug fixes:
    • The Trophy Info data incorrectly highlighted some bonuses as active/deactivated - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  7. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We have synced the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the Pirate Lords event
    • For the Sunken Empire Emblem Trophy we have removed the level 50 requirement for the Kill Users condition
    • Increased the font size in the Quest window
    • Battlepoint modifiers such as the buff, action item, etc now apply to Battlepoints earnt by defeating Guild Towers
    • Event Completion, Shop Package Contents, Season Achievement Progress and Castle Module description tooltips are now visible even when the user selects the option to disable tooltips
    • Shop Package Contents tooltip no longer disappears after 5 seconds, giving you more time to view the contents
    • Prophet's Mirage, Sultan's Joy and Silent Raider admirals now all display the spawn notification if you are within a 2-map radius
    • In the spy window, we now display the coordinates first instead of the map, e.g. 15 BH 25/1
    • You can now start repairing while a Teleport Map Change is active without it cancelling the map change
    • Asklepios' Items no longer share a cooldown, each item has its own cooldown, Talent being 3 minutes, Touch being 4 minutes and Gift being 5 minutes
    • You now keep your selection when you change map or are killed
    • Improved the values of Thunderbolt Cannons
      • Level 1: Elitepoints 1 -> 1.25
      • Level 2: Elitepoints 1 -> 1.5
      • Level 3: Elitepoints 1 -> 1.75
      • Level 4: Elitepoints 1 -> 2, Average Battlepoints 0% -> 5%
      • Level 5: Elitepoints 1 -> 2.25, Average Battlepoints 0% -> 10%
      • Level 6: Elitepoints 1 -> 2.5, Average Battlepoints 0% -> 15%
    Bug fixes:
    • For Breaches which did not apply the DoT effect the duration time was not updated if you had the attribute to extend the breach duration - FIXED
    • The Trophy Window preset selection could sometimes not work correctly - FIXED
    • If you were near the edge of the map, the Genie from the Lamp could potentially spawn outside of the map - FIXED
    • Fixed a bug with the El Dorado and Squids In masterskills which could result in the extra harpoon damage/chest bonuses on the normal maps
    Your Seafight Team
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    We are currently syncing the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the Chinese New Year Event
    • Increased the amount of Missions available in the League of Captains
    • Reduced the cooldown when you cancel using a teleport from 15s to 5s
    • Forgotten Love now has its own cooldown and no longer shares one with Lost Love
    • Using a Bloodlust and Recklessness no longer cancel your Repair when activated
    • Improved the Stats tooltip in the Ship Equipment window
    • Cannon Reload, Harpoon Reload, etc now display the number of seconds instead of milliseconds
    • Stats in numerous locations now have correct number separators for easier reading, e.g. 1,000 instead of 1000
    Bug fix:
    • Battlepoint bonuses now correctly apply to Battlepoints earnt when killing Towers
    • Players could in rare cases attack with both Ammunition and Torpedoes at the same time - FIXED
    • Brothers in Arms and Companion of Mercy visually cancelled your repair but you were actually still repairing - FIXED, it no longer visually cancels the repair
    • Masterskill Charge appeared as 0% after attempting to use it in the Safe Haven but you were told you couldnt use it - FIXED, now shows as 100% still
    • The name of Masterskills was not shown in the Stats Tooltip in the Ship Equipment window - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We had a second sync earlier with the following changes.

    Event Changes:
    • We have added Pearls to all NPCs and increased the other currency values.
    • We have enabled the Buccaneers Bounty
    • You now only receive Battlepoints from Towers when both you and the Towers guild are not in an alliance.
    Bug fix:
    • We have fixed the issue with the windows not opening, incorrect or missing texts, images missing.
    Your Seafight Team
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We shall be having a sync
    tomorrow morning with the daily restart (EU) that includes the following changes.

    Event Changes:
    • Improved the ranking rewards
    • Daily Quest now resets every 12 hours
    Your Seafight Team
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following.

    Event Changes:
    • Adjust the Coated Armor Plate package in the in-game Shop (we will refund the purchases already made with a Script)
    • In an earlier sync we prepared Phase 2 of the event.
    Bug fixes:
    • Sometimes, when speeding up a Captain, the price list could visually duplicate - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  12. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the 'Of Love and War' Event
    • We have removed the 1000 limit from Crafting Recipes
    • Bonusmap button has been moved to the end of the Action Menu
    • Limited time items now display in the Recommended section of the Shop
    Bug fixes:
    • Event Chests and Event Shipwrecks stopped spawning in the Lost Fleet region - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We have recently synced the following changes.

    Event Preparation:
    • We have prepared the Wrath of Freya Event
    • We have added a 4th Captain Pier Slot and adjusted the prices
    • We have improved the Mission Rewards from the Captain System
    • We have added a Search Bar in the Action Item Menus (you can toggle the auto-focus of this search bar in the Settings)
    • We have lowered the change of the Heartbreaker effect from 2% to 1%, the Ice effect from 10% to 5% and Skull Effect from 20% to 15%
    Your Seafight Team
  14. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following.

    Event Changes:
    • Increased the spawn rate of all NPCs, including chance to spawn Spawn of Calypso and Calypso
    • Added Radiant and Cursed Souls to Siren and Tentacled Fiend
    • Added a Cursed Soul to Freya Disciple
    • Triton now spawns regularly instead of as an Admiral spawn
    • Corrected the visual appearance of Wrathful Freya
    Your Seafight Team
  15. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We experienced a technical issue while deploying, we are working on resolving this as soon as possible.

    We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    Your Seafight Team
    ŖΥOÜ~ likes this.
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We will be syncing the following shortly.

    Event Preparations:
    • We have prepared the upcoming Elite Club: Ragnarok Event
    • We have changed the values of various Trophy Achievements; lowering the required amount for a number of those. More information will be posted in your forum shortly.
    • Added better tooltips for rewards shown in various locations, for example Quests
    • Added a filter into the Depot, Booster and Assistants windows
    • Added a new screen resolution size; 2475x1575
    • We have removed the Battlepoints from the Damage Share loot of Guild Towers
    Bug fixes:
    • Rocket Master would remain active after the Rocket Master expired - FIXED
    Important Notes:
    • Browser users will need to clear their cache with this update to prevent issues such as menu's not opening, action bars not displaying, etc.
    • We shall also have a 10-minute maintenance with this sync in order to implement the Trophy Requirements adjustment
    Your Seafight Team
    BuddhasRevenge likes this.
  17. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We are currently syncing the following changes.

    Event Changes:
    • Fixed the Quest Item required
    • Spawn Event Chests in the Lost Fleet maps
    • Corrected the 3rd Quest condition to accept damage on any Event NPC
    Your Seafight Team
    BuddhasRevenge likes this.
  18. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We have synced the following.

    Event Changes:
    • In the Secret Quest we have adjusted the coordinate requirement to select a map the user can reach
    • Increased the damage for the Event Ammunition
    • Fixed the Small Payment Package content, it contained Order of the Soul instead of Fortune Cookies
    • We have added a tooltip to the Slots to show the breakdown of how the Slot Total is calculated
    • We have split the Action Item Menus into three menus; Use on a Target, Use on Yourself, and Misc item
    • We will execute a script after the restart to exchange the Order of the Soul items gained from the Small Payment Package into Fortune Cookies
    Your Seafight Team
    BuddhasRevenge likes this.
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Yesterday we had a sync with the following:

    Bug fix:
    • After you changed map or were killed, you would have full HP and VP - FIXED
    Your Seafight Team
  20. Shelby1

    Shelby1 Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates,

    We will be syncing the following shortly.

    Event Preparations:
    • We have prepared the upcoming 19 Birthday: Tales of Power and Glory
    • The removal of the Seafight Plus section from the website
    • Treasure Ship is now attackable by players
    Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed Icon disappearing of the Trophy Bonus - Fixed
    • Tooltip is now shown on the loot in the Cauldron of Aruba
    Your Seafight Team