Feedback Tales of Power & Glory

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Yesterday at 11:18 AM.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Tales of Power & Glory

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the Tales of Power & Glory event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team

    BAPHOMET97 Active Author

    how are people looting this many designs and how to finish round 1 question 8 ?
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BAPHOMET97!

    Some designs can be obtained in Map of Forever :p

    Well, if you join Map of Forever you should be able to see some quiz, you'll have to finish the question 8 to get that quest done ^^


    BAPHOMET97 Active Author

    i found it thank you

    BAPHOMET97 Active Author

    there's a couple of bugs, when i leave the map of forever i have 100k less hitpoints and voodo points without being in a fight and black gunpowder and agwes plates are removed so i need to click them every time i leave the map of forever, pls fixx its so annoying
  6. zwaardvis

    zwaardvis Someday Author

    how ged lokis tru parents
  7. Vupiino

    Vupiino Forum Apprentice

    Last edited by moderator: Yesterday at 4:10 PM
  8. Slacker57xx

    Slacker57xx Forum Apprentice

    I can't access the Map of Forever. When I use the key in SH, it says you cannot currently use this item...

    BAPHOMET97 Active Author

    ulang tahum npc damage bug, 10 minutes ago he was the weakest NPC with 3k DMG but now he does the most DMG 20k
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BAPHOMET97!

    That's not a bug, in map of forever everyone are equal (same speed, damage, hp ect.). That's why everything is deactivated over there and when you come out.

    Ahoy zwaardvis!

    If you read the story you'd know this will be coming much much later :D

    Ahoy Vupiino!

    Both can be unlocked only if you own Key of Forever + Temporal energy (key from quest, energy from market), once you own both items you'll be able to access map of forever by pressing on the key.

    Ahoy Slacker57xx!

    You are missing Temporal Energy - this can be obtained from the event market.

    Ahoy BAPHOMET97!

    No changes were made, you must have switched your pre-set (shields, extensions ect.

    zwaardvis likes this.
  11. heroque[MM]

    heroque[MM] Forum Apprentice

    Where is Henri de magmanine?
  12. HUTUN

    HUTUN Forum Apprentice


    Please use English language.
    Last edited by moderator: Today at 6:06 AM
  13. heroque[MM]

    heroque[MM] Forum Apprentice

    what do jou mean?
    Last edited by moderator: Today at 6:06 AM
  14. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    I have a Question, in the quest all fun and no games it says collect Loki's True Parents is that from one of the quest in the first phase? and will there be Buc's bounty during this event?
    Last edited: Yesterday at 11:18 PM
  15. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    It is an npc in Atlantis.
  16. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    How do you do the Quiz? I checked all of the quest givers and none have an option to do the quiz. The FAQ says that the quiz is lead by knight Liko, so where is he? If this is a misspelling of Loki, I've been to him as well and got the two quests. One says to answer the 8th question, but no option to get the first question. The other says to get Loki's true parents and @Rymar answered that the 'story' (what story?) says that come later?? If it comes later, why is the quest on now? And it says to go to the Map of Forever Glory World map, but that isn't listed in the FAQ as an option there.

    Very confusing.
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  17. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    I agree Mr.B I couldn't figure it out myself......I gave up... I wish this was a easier event shoot stuff and trade in the loot lol good luck if you find out let me know
    Bawdyn likes this.
  18. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I made some progress on the quiz. Go to the Map of Forever (MoF) and Liko is there. Accept the quiz quest (make sure you have room for a new quest) and the question is down at the bottom of the quest along with the answers for A, B, and C. Sail to the coordinates in the quest and you will be able to figure out the answer there. Then coordinate 2 back on the MoF and the three ships appear. Sink the one that answers the question. Go to Liko for question 2 and so on. Not that hard once you go to the map, but the FAQ was confusing.
  19. please add auras to buy with pearls and those evnt tokens ty!!
  20. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy heroque[MM]!

    This NPC will spawn once you sail to the coordinate mentioned within the quest.

    Ahoy -PUSAT-!

    You will be able to complete this quest a bit later into the event, Loki seem to be full of secrets which we must uncover! (this quest can't be completed yet)

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    Quiz can be found at the Map of Forever.

    In order to join this map you need to own Key of Forever and charge it up with Temporal Energy (found at the event market).

    Once done you can use your Key to enter MoF.
    Note: You must be in SH to use your key.

    8th question is a task - in MoF someone who seem very familiar offer series of questions about the game, make sure that you read the quest description very well.

    In short:

    1. Join MoF
    2. Talk to the quest giver found within this map
    3. Pay attention to quest description
    4. Complete the quest by doing TASK first -> COORDINATE
    5. Once COORDINATE has been completed you will see three NPCs, A B C sinking one A (for example) will mark your answer as "A"

    5.1 If your answer was correct you will get 1 Answer Token
    These tokens will be used in further event phases, so make sure you do your best!

    Why is the quest active right now? Well.. Loki... its his doing not ours!

    Hope that helps!
