Missing Letters – Only the Smartest Will Solve These!

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Rymar, Yesterday at 12:01 PM.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Missing Letters – Only the Smartest Will Solve These!

    Fill in the missing letters to complete the names of legendary ships, NPCs, or pirate locations.

    Time: 15.03-16.03

    How to play:

    • Find the missing letters.
    • Each Answer is a word. Write the second and third letters of each word (1 to 4) to get your voucher.
    • Write all the letters without space between them.
    1. P _ _ L _ _ E (A ruthless raider of the seas)
    2. B _ _ C _ N _ E _ (A pirate who attacked Spanish ships in the Caribbean)
    3. M _ _ I _ E (A violent uprising on a ship)
    4. P _ _ N _ E _ (A stolen treasure or loot)


    Your Seafight Team
  2. *Vizoro*

    *Vizoro* Someday Author

    2025-03-15 15:47:43
    5 x Thunderbolt Level 2 credited to account. Reason: Payment Pack
    2025-03-15 15:47:43
    100000 x Confetti ammunition credited to account. Reason: Payment Pack
    2025-03-15 15:47:43
    1 x Astral Familiar's Booty Bag credited to account. Reason: Payment Pack
    2025-03-15 15:47:43
    200 x Flare Torpedo credited to account. Reason: Payment Pack

  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy *Vizoro*!


  4. LustySerpant

    LustySerpant Junior Expert

    hmm,ok but i would still like previous years gifts (i. e. ship designs, pets, or big bonuses...)! just saying...
  5. bloodwitch1

    bloodwitch1 Forum Greenhorn

  6. -Lathander-

    -Lathander- Junior Expert

  7. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    :) Thank you!!
  8. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General
