Id nr on ship's now only in loggbook -___-

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Dec 13, 2024.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    Suddenly remove id nr so they are not visible until after you sink them or have been sunk by them?

    Please put id nr back visible also at sea .This is a lot about tactics in war and 90% of what this game is about "massively multiplayer online role playing game". Id nr is for many a very necessary thing , now we have to ask each other for id, we have to look for id, we can't search until we have the name / id and it's not everyone you have saved at any time.....

    Huge thumb up for it now being in the logbook, but it is deeply missed so that we see them visibly at sea also.......
  2. DuivelseKippie³

    DuivelseKippie³ Forum Apprentice

    They also have remove the function when you alt+left click on a ship the id number pop up in the chat screen. Little pitty indeed.