Feedback Tales of Power & Glory

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Friday at 11:18 AM.

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  1. DuivelseKippie³

    DuivelseKippie³ Forum Apprentice

    Black powder don't work on event npc's. My hits are the same without it.
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Thanks for your reply @Rymar
    Can we cancel the Loki's parents quest and start it again later when it is ready so I don't lose a quest slot?
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!


    Ahoy DuivelseKippie³!

    Please be aware that at some point you dont need more hit probability for some NPCs, thats why your gunpowder seem to not provide any bonuses.

  4. Daboyzz!

    Daboyzz! Junior Expert

    Temporal energy does not appear in my market???
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Daboyzz!!

    You must own it still, if such item cant be seen in your event market.

    If it just ended and you would like to purchase a new one a simple log out / in should resolve your issue.

    Daboyzz! likes this.
  6. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    Thanks MR.B ill give it a go, and I notice when I have an aura on when I i go into MOF I lose my aura, I wish that could be fix I hate losing 45 mins kind of a waste of a Aura,and i did the quest but i have no clue which ship to shoot lol it says shoot A B C so for me it's the luck of the draw lol but thanks for the info
    Last edited: Saturday at 9:05 PM
    Dream~Crusher likes this.
  7. GatoPreto[PT]

    GatoPreto[PT] Forum Greenhorn

    forever map globe whit 7 wave how to finish it last wave disapeard???
  8. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy GatoPreto[PT]!

    You can pass this map by using some action items like bloodlust, rockets, homing mines.

    I can do that and have about 30 seconds to go.

    GatoPreto[PT] likes this.
  9. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    It is confusing. At first, I couldn't see how to view each full question, much less the choices for answers. You both probably know this by now, but here is how they show up. (I was trying to just read the small quest window). And I agree that losing the aura you have active when you go to the Map of Forever stinks. Maybe next time, they will put that fact in the FAQs to inform us.


    -PUSAT- and Bawdyn like this.
  10. capt.Gold3n99

    capt.Gold3n99 Forum Greenhorn

    Can invithing friend to MoF will be repaired at least before the event end ? Its like 3th day we cant do it .. becouse when i try invite a friend its keep disconnecting me from the map window.. yesterday i was able to invate them and they join my MoF but we cant go to group map, someone not selected perk or whatever you call it ... while we both chose i was Tank one my friend was Attacker one, and still not get into the big portal. Now again same as first day i give try at friend list invite to your map and keep getting me disconect from map windows ....
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy capt.Gold3n99!

    This has been forwarded to be reviewed by our dev team.

  12. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    Thank you DC i appreciate the time you took to help out an old blind pirate.......cheers mate
    Dream~Crusher and Bawdyn like this.
  13. the_big_wierdo

    the_big_wierdo Forum Apprentice

    Wanted to confirm that Birthday Cake can give you "Shadow Flame" design. I must have shot 100 cakes without getting it. Also the design doesn't show in the design bible entry.
  14. Hello, the bonus ship design 3 (and other if they are in event) can be found in glitter please ? or ship glitter ?
  15. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy the_big_wierdo!

    Yup, that ship design can be obtained from the B-day Cake only by pirate who dealt most damage.

    This is the Shadow Flame ship design:


    Ahoy ¤ĐǾŨĆĦΣ_ƒЯǾĨĐΣ_¤!

    Multiple ship designs has been added to the game during our Bday event ^^

    Some can be found in glitters, chests, shipwrecks, small portals and big portals!

    You'll have to try and find them on your own - a list of "where to find" do not exist.

  16. platine2

    platine2 Junior Expert

    i have both items yet i still can't access the map of forever
  17. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy platine2!

    In order to join Map of Forever you need:

    - Key of Forever (obtained from one of the event quests)
    - Temporal Energy (can be purchased at the event market every 24 hours)
    - You need to be in SH for your Key to work

    Once in SH simply press your Key of Forever - this will teleport you to the Map of Forever.

  18. gatornation151

    gatornation151 Forum Greenhorn

    What is the objective to the Portal of Power? that is the only one i cant get past, I can target the Gantril but not attack, even having killed all the creepers. Not really sure what I am doing wrong or how not to almost immediately die...

    I get sunk 20 times without completing the map.
    Last edited by moderator: Yesterday at 1:02 PM
  19. sagikors

    sagikors Forum Apprentice

    what stupid get in the map must have friends or else get a hell out of the game....
  20. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy sagikors!

    I am playing solo mainly and I can complete several big portals and all small ones without much of a issue.

    So it is possible for everyone to do it as all accounts within the MoF are the same.

    Ahoy gatornation151!

    Portal of Power - the Gantril one right?

    Your task is to avoid the flaming circles - so you need to move constantly.

    Firstly you sink 4 Creepers located around the Gantril and once done you can hit on Gantril himself.

    I must admit this is quite a hard one.
