PvP in Atlantis.

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Dream~Crusher, Today at 4:50 AM.

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  1. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    This is just feedback to Bigpoint, and only that. I hesitate to say much because I know it brings inaccurate statements that I have bad set-ups, bad extensions, etc., and I do not. [I also know that many people have extra-strong subs (and ships) during this time, when they buy the Sigma packs]. That said, this is insane, and something is seriously wrong with this game. My big sub has level 6 (and well-tuned) launchers, strong extensions, etc. Yet, I just fought a guy who sank me a lot...and I mean...a lot...and many of the battles, I took *nothing*...that is zero hit points..off of his sub's voodoo shield! That is ridiculous. Many of the battles he sank me in his first volley, and I had over 1.5 million hit points! It's another reason I just about stopped fighting at all. I reported him, for what good it will do. I also tried my best defensive setting, and he still smoked me. It makes people not want to play at all. For what it's worth, please forward this. Thank you.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Dream~Crusher!

    Nowadays 250 000 damaged on PvP with a single torpedo is not that much.

    Please by aware that if you multiply this amount by 6 torpedo that would be at least 1 500 000 damage (without a critical hit).

    If you would like to report that player to be reviewed you'll have to contact Support.
